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Welcome to the
https://cdph.ca.gov website. If you are not able to find what you are looking for, please try the following:
First Time or Infrequent Visitors
Frequent Visitors
- Favorite pages either bookmarked or saved to your desktop should be updated to the new location on our new site.
All Visitors
You can refine your results if you are used to working with a particular entity in our department or look under our Programs and A–Z index.
If you have a report or document, you may try copying terms from those into our search engines. This may result in the display of the report or document which may have a new path or name on our site.
If the content you are looking for is not located on this site, please submit an inquiry through the
Contact Us system.
CDPH Partners
Thank you for your patience and we hope our new site better serves your needs.