California is the only state that requires companies to report harmful ingredients used in cosmetics. The primary purpose of the California Safe Cosmetics Program (CSCP) is to collect information on hazardous and potentially hazardous ingredients in cosmetic products sold in California and to make this information available to the public. Consumers and salon workers everywhere can use the California Safe Cosmetics Product Database to learn more about the products they use.
Search the CSCP Product Database
For Companies: Reporting Portal
3/29/24: Please note, we have updated the reporting guidanceā for fragrance allergens added in the December 2023 Reportable Ingredients List update
8/14/23: Check out our new 3-part instructional video series for companies on how to comply with California cosmetics reporting laws
1/24/2024: 2023 Year in Reviewā
9/27/2023: New CSCP Data Reportā