Skip Navigation LinksAlzheimers Disease Program Funding SFY2021-22

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Alzheimer’s Disease Program Funding

State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2021–22

The tables below illustrate funding budgeted by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for SFY 2021-22 related to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRDs) totaling $11,746,053.

Budgeted CA Alzheimer’s Disease Centers
  • Funding: CA State General Fund – Effective 1984 and Ongoing.
  • Purpose: To allocate and administer grants to a statewide network of 10 dementia care centers at university medical schools established to improve dementia health care delivery, provide specialized training and education to health care professionals, and advance the diagnosis and treatment of ADRDs.
Budgeted Alzheimer’s Disease Research Awards
  • Funding: CA State General Fund – Effective SFY 2018–19 and Ongoing.1,2
  • Purpose: To allocate and administer research grants in connection to ADRDs.
  • Funding: CA State General Fund – Effective SFY 2019–20 and Ongoing.3 
  • Purpose: To allocate and administer research grants in connection to ADRDs with a focus on women and communities of color.
  • Funding: Tax Check-Off ADRDs Research Fund – Effective 1984 and Ongoing.4
  • Purpose: Allows taxpayers to designate a specified amount on state tax returns (in excess of tax liability) to be transferred to the CDPH ADRDs Research Fund.
  • Funding: CA State General Fund – One-time General Fund expenditure authority of $3,400,000 over three SFYs.5,6
  • Purpose: To allocate and administer research grants in connection to ADRDs with a focus on women, communities of color, and populations historically underrepresented in research including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) community.
Budgeted CA Healthy Brain Initiative State and Local Public Health Partnerships
  • Funding: CA State General Fund - One-time General Fund expenditure authority of $4,500,000 over three SFYs.7
  • Purpose: To allocate grants to up to six local health jurisdictions beginning.

SFY 2019–20 through SFY 2021–22 to support activities that are consistent with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Healthy Brain Initiative State and Local Public Health Partnerships to Address Dementia, The 2018–2023 Road Map (PDF).

Budgeted Public Awareness Campaign
  • Funding: CA State General Fund - One-time General Fund expenditure authority of $8,500,000 over three SFYs.8,9
  • Purpose: To create an ADRDs public awareness campaign focused on educating the public on the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and use targeted outreach to connect with populations at greater risk of developing ADRDs.
Budgeted Standards of Dementia Care
  • Funding: CA State General Fund - One-time General Fund expenditure authority of $3,825,000 over three SFYs.10,11
  • Purpose(s):
    • To design a statewide standards of dementia care model.
    • To create an open-source tool for wide scale adoption by California medical practices seeking to stratify patients who would benefit from earlier brain health screenings.
Budgeted Caregiver Training
  • Funding: CA State General Fund - One-time General Fund expenditure authority of $3,400,000 over three SFYs.12,13
  • Purpose: To develop a caregiver training program that will elevate the care in communities throughout California by expanding access to evidence-based dementia related education and training for caregivers.
​Dementia Friendly Communities
  • Funding: CA State General Fund - One-time General Fund expenditure authority of $1,700,000 over three SFYs.14,15
  • Purpose: To allocate grants to California cities or local health jurisdictions to address dementia in communities most at-risk for ADRDs through place-based and built environment interventions.

*Funding to be distributed in SFY 2022-23.

Alzheimer’s Disease Program Description 

The CDPH ADP was established pursuant to Assembly Bill 2225 (Chapter 1601, Statutes of 1984) and was expanded pursuant to Senate Bill 139 (Chapter 303, Statutes of 1988). The mission of the ADP is to reduce the human burden and economic costs associated with ADRDs, and ultimately to assist in discovering the cause and treatment of this disease. 

Go to Alzheimer’s Disease Program Homepage

Table references:

1. As part of the 2018 Budget Act, the CDPH ADP received $3,115,000 on an ongoing basis.

2. In SFY 2021–22, $494,000 of Tax Check-Off ADRDs Research Funds is allocated to the

CDPH Alzheimer’s Disease Research Awards executed in 2018–19.

3. As part of the 2019 Budget Act, CDPH received $3,000,000 on an ongoing basis; $300,000 is allocated each SFY for State Operations.

4. As part of the SFY 2019 Budget Act, $45,000 was approved to be shifted from the Tax Check-Off ADRDs Research Fund, Local Assistance to State Operations on an ongoing basis to pay for, on an alternating basis, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Cognitive Decline and Caregiving Modules.  The total amount of expenditures on State Operations from FY 18/19 to FY 23/24 was $536,886.76.

The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Fund awards grants through a competitive process to researchers in California engaged in the study of ADRDs or related areas such as caregiving.​

5. As part of the SFY 2021 Budget Act, CDPH ADP received one-time General Fund expenditure authority of $3,400,000 to allocate research grants in connection to ADRDs over three SFYs from SFY 2021–22 to SFY 2023–24.

6. The focus of the research grants in connection to ADRDs is guided by number two of the ten final recommendations, “Keep California at the Forefront of Cutting-Edge Global Research,” that the Governor’s Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention, Preparedness and the Path Forward (PDF) presented to Governor Newsom in November 2020.

7. As part of the SFY 2019 Budget Act, CDPH ADP received one-time General Fund expenditure authority of $4,500,000 to allocate grants to up to six local health jurisdictions over three SFYs from SFY 2019–20 to SFY 2021–22.

8. As part of the SFY 2021 Budget Act, CDPH ADP received one-time General Fund expenditure authority of $8,500,000 to allocate to an ADRDs public awareness campaign over three SFYs from SFY 2021–22 to SFY 2023–24.

9.  The focus of the public awareness campaign is guided by number three of the ten final recommendations, “Create an Alzheimer's Disease Public Awareness Campaign,” that the Governor’s Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention, Preparedness and the Path Forward (PDF) presented to Governor Newsom in November 2020.

10. As part of the SFY 2021 Budget Act, CDPH ADP received one-time General Fund expenditure authority of $3,825,000 to allocate to the development of standards of dementia care over three SFYs from SFY 2021–22 to SFY 2023–24. Of the $3,825,000 allocated, $1,700,000 is designated to design a statewide standards of dementia care model and $2,125,000 is designated to create an open-source tool for wide scale adoption by California medical practices seeking to stratify patients who would benefit from earlier brain health screenings.

11. The focus of the development of standards of dementia care is guided by number ten of the final recommendations, “Model a Statewide Standard of Care to the Nation,” that the Governor’s Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention, Preparedness and the Path Forward (PDF) presented to Governor Newsom in November 2020.

12. As part of the SFY 2021 Budget Act, CDPH ADP received one-time General Fund expenditure authority of $3,400,000 to allocate to a caregiver training program over three SFYs from SFY 2021–22 to SFY 2023–24.

13. The focus of the caregiver training program is guided by number seven of the ten final recommendations, “Create a California Caregiver Training and Certification Program,”​ that the Governor’s Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention, Preparedness and the Path Forward (PDF) presented to Governor Newsom in November 2020.

14. As part of the SFY 2021 Budget Act, CDPH ADP received one-time General Fund expenditure authority of $1,700,000 to allocate to grants to California cities or local health jurisdictions over three SFYs from SFY 2021–22 to SFY 2023–24.

15. The focus of the dementia-friendly communities project is guided by number eight of the ten final recommendations, “Launch a California Blue Zone City Challenge,” that the Governor’s Task Force on Alzheimer’​s Disease Prevention, Preparedness and the Path Forward (PDF) presented to Governor Newsom in November 2020.

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