<p>CPDR will use the data to write reports that inform the public, health care providers, public health agencies, advocates, and legislators about the status of Parkinsonās disease. These summary reports do NOT contain any information about individual Parkinsonās cases. The data in these reports are combined into groups for analysis.</p> <p>The same law that mandates that all cases of Parkinsonās disease diagnosed or treated in California be reported to the state, also requires that Parkinsonās disease registry data only be released for specific research purposes relating to demographic, epidemiological, or other similar studies of the CPDR. The law mandates that patient identity be kept confidential, but also that confidential information may be released for research as described above.</p> <p>CPDR takes the protection of a patientās confidential health information very seriously.</p> <p>CPDR will only release information to qualified researchers under tightly controlled circumstances where the research has first been approved by a certified institutional review board. If their application is approved, they will receive only the required information for their approved purpose.</p> <p>Patients have the right to refuse to participate in any research study without jeopardizing their current or future medical care.</p> <p>Parkinsonās disease patients may request that their contact information be withheld from researchers by contacting CPDR at (916) 731-2500, or by email to <a href="<a href="mailto:CPDRhelp@cdph.ca.gov">mailto:CPDRhelp@cdph.ca.gov</a>"><a href="mailto:CPDRhelp@cdph.ca.gov">CPDRhelp@cdph.ca.gov</a></a>.</p>