Low-income California families face rising rates of obesity, sedentary lifestyles, food insecurity, and hunger that may contribute to preventable health problems. The Nutrition and Physical Activity Branch (NPAB) brings organizations together to address areas where goals, objectives, and activities intersect. NPAB is committed to nurturing partnerships as the cornerstone of its work to initiate, encourage and support policy, systems, and environmental changes that will lead to decreasing and potentially preventing, obesity and chronic disease.
To maximize common cause among partners, NPAB identified five key sectors in which staff will pursue and develop partnerships. These sectors represent important target audiences of large, influential stakeholders that have the greatest potential to help enact policy, systems, and environmental changes that will mitigate today's high costs of obesity and its resulting chronic diseases.
Key NPAB partnership sectors include:
Communities of Faith
Health Care (Providers, Provider Groups, Insurers, Medical Associations)
Education (Preschool, Childcare, K-12 Grade Schools, Higher Education, Adult Learning)
NPAB has developed this internal partnership development plan to actively initiate, foster, pursue, and engage strategic partnerships across multiple sectors.
NPAB convened a Strategic Planning Work Group on January 27, 2015 consisting of ten select external partners and key NPAB staff, launching the second phase of its strategic planning process. The Strategic Planning Work Group analyzed the data from the key informant interviews held in 2014, reviewed and provided feedback on a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of NPAB as well as discussed the research on evidence-based strategies. The Work Group was created an environmental scan as it relates to obesity prevention in California. Next steps the Work Group will review the scientific evidence, and choose programmatic focal areas that have the greatest impact to reduce the burden of obesity throughout California communities.
NPAB Partnership Team
The partnership team initiates and maintains the NPAB partnership development structure.
Policy, Program, and Partnership Development.