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February is Black History Month - Reclaim Your Breathing 

The CDPH California Breathing (CB) program honors Black History Month by learning about the accomplishments and history of the Black community. CB is also raising awareness of how Black Californians are impacted by asthma (PDF). Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes it hard to breathe and can cause episodes of wheezing, coughing, trouble breathing, and chest tightness. There is no cure for asthma, but it can be controlled. 

In the CB February 2024 newsletter, CB’s Asthma Disparities and Health Equity Specialist Chanel Emeh reflects on what Black History Month means to her and what she has learned about asthma in Black communities. 

Chanel’s work inspired the Black History Month social media toolkit themed “Reclaim Your Breathing.” This toolkit can be used by organizations and others to increase awareness about asthma in the Black community and how individuals can recognize whether their asthma is under control. 

To learn more about asthma and asthma control, please visit California Breathing​ ​

Sample Social Media Posts

Share the following images and suggested messaging on social media. Select each image to enlarge, then “save image as.” 

Woman with arms out with text overlay “Control your asthma. Prevent asthma symptoms. Reclaim Your Breathing!”

​Manage your asthma and take control of your breathing by following these action steps:

  • Talk to a health care provider about managing your or your child’s asthma.  
  • Update or create an Asthma Action Plan.  
  • Identify your asthma medication and check that you’re using your medication correctly.  
  • Identify your asthma triggers an​d recognize when your symptoms get worse.  
  • Have a plan for asthma emergencies. 

Learn more by visiting 

#BlackHistoryMonth ​​

​​Two children playing outside with text overlay “People with asthma can lead full and active lives. Reclaim Your Breathing!”

​ If you regularly have trouble breathing, chest tightnesscoughing, or wheezing, talk to your health care provider. 

Learn more by visiting 

#BlackHistoryMonth ​

Intended use – multiple images used as a set in one social media post (carousel) in the following order:

1. Person hand on chin with text overlay “Do you know if your or your child’s asthma is under control?"
2. Child with hand on chest, parent holding inhaler with text overlay “Do you take your quick-relief inhaler more than 2x a week?"
3. Person in bed coughing with text overlay “Do you wake up due to asthma symptoms more than two times a month?"
4. Older person holding inhaler on the phone with text overlay “Do you refill your quick-relief inhaler more than two 2x a year?"
5. Doctor in clinic with text overlay “If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, your asthma is not under control.

​With proper treatment, people with asthma can lead full and active lives. Reclaim your breathing by talking to your health care provider about how to get your asthma under control. ​

Learn more about asthma and asthma resources at 


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