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Environmental Health Investigations Branch

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About EHIB

We identify - and partner with others to control - environmental factors that harm health.

Our Key Activities

  • Study human exposure to harmful pollutants; 
  • Track environmental health data and make it available to the public;
  • Investigate possible health threats in our environment;
  • Respond to environmental emergencies and community concerns;
  • Inform state public health policy and initiatives;
  • Provide education, communications, training, and technical assistance.

Our Sections + Programs

Asthma Management Academy training  Exposure Prevention and Education

Harmful algal blooms in a water body Exposure Assessment

Person smoking a cigarette with another person in the background Exposure Investigationsā€‹

Sharing our Stories

The videos below show how our programs work with communities to increase health and environmental equity.

Screenshot of EHIB Sharing Our Stories Video 

Sharing our Stories Video ā€“ Introduction to Our Branchā€™s Work

 Screen shot of Signs of the Times Video

Signs of the Times Video ā€“ Introduction to the work of the Exposure Prevention and Education Section (formerly Community Participation and Education Section)

What We Do

We investigate health and exposure problems

EHIB responds to emerging environmental health problems, clusters of non-infectious disease, and disasters associated with environmental agents by investigating.

We collect health and exposure data

EHIB monitors trends in the distribution of environmental exposures and health indicators in California.

We provide public health oversight, technical assistance, and training

State and local health agencies, the state legislature, and communities turn to EHIB when environmental health problems require training, consultation, advice on environmental health intervention, or evaluation of epidemiologic and toxicologic evidence.

We rely on participation and partnerships

To ensure that projects are responsive to public concerns and needs, EHIB invites community members, scientists and other involved groups to participate in all stages of activities, including selecting which issues to address and evaluating project success.

We develop policyā€‹ recommendations

Using information obtained from our investigations, EHIB helps develop state public health policy, initiatives and recommendations.

We maintain scientific preparedness

EHIB staff members are developing research methods in the emerging field of environmental health and strive to remainā€‹ current with developments in relevant fields and the larger society.


EHIB currently has the followingā€‹ā€‹ job opening:

ā€‹To find out more about how to get a job at the Environmental Health Investigations Branch or any other California state job, please visit the California State Jobs Website, or download How to Apply for Jobs in EHIB (PDF).ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

Environmental Topics

Topics on how the environment can harm health and where and how we are exposed to potential environmental problems through food, pollution, or other sources.

Health Topics

Health issues that might have a relationship with the environment

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