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occupational health branch

April 2023 Occupational Health Watch

Workers Memorial Day: Remembering Workers Who Have Lost Their Lives at Work

Today the California Department of Public Health's Occupational Health Branch (OHB) along with many workers health and safety groups across the nation observe Workers Memorial Day to remember workers who have lost their lives at work. Workers memorial day logo.

The most recent data show that 462 California workers lost their life at work. The industries with theā€‹ highest rates aside of fatal occupational work injuries continue to be agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting, construction, and manufacturing.

OHB continues to focus on preventing workplace injuries and deaths. The OHB webpage highlights on-going important workplace issues and provides tools and resources for both workers and employers.

We thank and honor all workers who have lost their lives this year. Follow the AFL-CIO Workers Memorial Day website for information on the commemorative events. 


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Page Last Updated : June 29, 2023