Occupational Health Watch: October 2020
Valley Fever still making California workers sick
People who work outdoors, especially workers who dig or disturb soil, are at risk of becoming sick with Valley fever, a potentially severe illness caused by a fungus found in the soil in parts of California.
California continues to see an increase in cases of Valley fever. To address this ongoing concern, the California Department of Public Health conducted a statewide public awareness campaign, with special focus in the Central Valley and Central Coast, where Valley fever rates are the highest.
The campaign created posters and factsheets workers and employers can use to spread the word and to combat this unexpected 'visitor' on the jobsite. Visit Preventing Work-Related Valley Fever to download the new materials.

Photos: New Valley fever educational materials for the workplace
OHB work-related Valley fever web page ā find links to new materials for the workplace
CDPH Infectious Diseases Branch Valley fever web page ā information for the general public on Valley fever
Email OHW@cdph.ca.gov with feedback about this update or change of address.