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OFFICE of school health

2023–24 Program Accomplishments

As schools have returned to in-person learning safely, the Office of School Health has expanded its guidance to cover a range of health issues to help mitigate the spread of communicable diseases in TK–12 schools, child care, and related settings. The following is a summary of our efforts and accomplishments towards keeping schools safe, healthy, and supported.  

Summary of Major Accomplishments​​

  • During the 2023–24 school year, guidance from Office of School Health (OSH) transitioned from COVID specific guidance to focus on a broader range of health issues through establishing ongoing partnerships with schools to keep students healthy and in school.
  • In July 2023, Safe Schools for All team became the Office of School Health in the Center for Healthy Communities to establish a closer public health partnership with state and local education agencies.
  • Presented keynote speech at the California School Nurses Organization (CSNO) and received the CSNO Partner in Education Award. 
  • Published two scientific guidance and policies in 13 languages: K–12 Guidance 2023–24 School Year (  and Considerations when a Child has Symptoms of Illness in Child Care or School.

Epinephrine Standing Order Overview

Launched Epinephrine Standing Order in April 2024 to increase access to Epinephrine auto-injectors in schools and to help reduce morbidity and mortality associated with anaphylaxis by removing access barriers to distribution and administration of epinephrine in California schools. This standing order has served over 4,900 schools in California and provided 17,600 Epinephrine auto-injectors to schools across the state.

Partner Outreach

  • Hosted 41 School Health Update meetings to build a community of practice and networking space for health staff from local education agencies and local health jurisdictions. Also shared program information and guidance applicable to improving youth/student health in California.  
    • These meetings provided 41 hours of support to 10,535 total local public health and education partners such as school nurses, school administrators, and superintendents during the 2023–24 school year.

Product Analytics

  • The School Hub - CA Covid-19 School Readiness Hub - started in 2020 as a place for schools to understand COVID guidance but has expanded to cover a variety of school health topics and house relevant CDPH resources/guidance.
    • During the 2023–24 school year, the School Hub received 250,000 total views
    • Average views per day: 777
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