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Food and drug Branch (FDB)


Main Telephone:

(800) 495-3232




Address (Courier Delivery):

California Department of Public Health - Food and Drug Branch

1500 Capitol Ave, MS 7602

Sacramento, CA 95814


Address (Non-Courier Delivery):

California Department of Public Health - Food and Drug Branch

P.O. Box 997435, MS 7602

Sacramento, CA 95899

Home Medical Device Retail Program

The Home Medical Device Retail (HMDR) Programā€™s mission is to promote and improve the health and well-being of all California residents and to facilitate the growth and vitality of California home medical device retail product industries, while ensuring that products are not adulterated, misbranded or falsely advertised.

The HMDR program is mandated by Assembly Bill 1496 of the 1999ā€“2000 legislative session. This program licenses California HMDR facilities and registers Out-of-State HMDR facilities. In-State HMDR facilities supply prescription medical devices or durable medical equipment for use in the home to treat acute or chronic illnesses or injuries. Out-of-State HMDR facilities must supply prescription medical devices in order to qualify for the registration. The HMDR program also licenses exemptees that are required to be on staff in lieu of a pharmacist at facilities selling prescription medical devices as described under California and Federal medical device laws.

For any questions, please contact us using the information on the left or email us as the following address:ā€‹

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