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ā€‹Provider action sheet for primary congenital hypothyroidism (PCH)

ā€‹Printable PDF of this Action Sheetā€‹

If the California Newborn Screening (NBS) Program has identified an infant in your care who has a screen-positive result for primary congenital hypothyroidism (PCH): 

What steps doā€‹ I need to take?

  1. Review the California state recommended guidelines for follow up on PCH provided by the Area Service Center (ASC) staff. Confirmatory testing is needed immediately.
  2. Consult with a California Childrenā€™s Services Special Care Center (SCC) endocrinology specialist. They will ask for your assessment of the infantā€™s current health status and whether the infant has any signs of the disorder as they help formulate a diagnostic follow-up plan. Further evaluation may be required to make a final diagnosis. If the infant has a diagnosed condition, the SCC will provide clinical follow-up care.
  3. Contact the family to explain the positive newborn screening test result. For information on how best to communicate, consult the Health Resources & Services Administration Newborn Communication Guide (PDF)ā€‹ (or search online for ā€œhrsaā€ ā€œheritableā€ ā€œcommunicationā€)
  4. Review the accompanying, ā€œFamily action sheet for primary congenital hypothyroidism (PCH)ā€ with the family and ensure they understand.
  5. Remind the family that their infant was positive on a screen, and it is not diagnostic. Emphasize that you, with ASC staff and the SCC endocrinology specialist, will guide them through the next steps of confirmatory testing and follow-up services. 
  6. Advise parents to (1) follow the plan for confirmatory testing right away, and (2) keep their infantā€™s appointments with an SCC endocrinology specialist, if any are scheduled. The family should receive services from a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including genetic counseling services.

Clinical information

PCH is an endocrine disorder characterized by absent or decreased thyroid hormones that can affect normal metabolismā€‹, growth, and brain development. Treatment, usually thyroid hormone replacement, should be started within the first week of life to prevent development of intellectual disabilities and/or growth delays.

Please visit these sites. Search for the site name and ā€œcongenital hypothyroidismā€ if needed.


For follow-up questions, please call your NBS Program Area Service Center.

For program questions, please email NBS Program staff atā€‹ or visit the NBS Program website.

California Department of Public Health
Newborn Screening Program (
Ā© Genetic Disease Screening Program, 8/2023ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

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