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Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Division

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State of Californiaā€”Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health

May 29, 2024


Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Directors, MCAH Coordinators, Black Infant Health (BIH) Coordinators, and Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) Coordinators

State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024ā€“2025 Agreement Funding Application (AFA) Announcement

This letter announces the SFY 2024ā€“2025 AFA process that provides allocation and contract funding updates for the California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Divisionā€™s Local MCAH, California Fetal Infant Mortality Review Plus (CA FIMR+), BIH, and PEI programs. 

SFY 2024ā€“2025 funding for Local MCAH, CA FIMR+, BIH, and PEI programs are as follows: 

  • Local MCAH ā€” Title V (TV) funding allocations will remain the same as SFY 2023ā€“2024.

  • CA FIMR+ ā€” Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs) selected for the CA FIMR+ TV funding will receive the same allocation amount as SFY 2023ā€“2024. The CA FIMR+ funding is included in the Local MCAH TV allocations for Fresno and San Bernardino counties. Each LHJ will be required to track the FIMR funding separately in order to demonstrate the agencyā€™s ability to perform the activities and associated costs to implement the CA FIMR+ Scope of Work. 

  • BIH ā€” TV and State General Funds (SGF) allocations have been updated to account for the expansion to the BIH program and to utilize SGF in accordance with prior yearā€™s Request for Supplemental Information and individual county contract negotiations to meet the needs of the LHJs. The total allocations for each county remain unchanged, except those with contract negotiations. TV has been calculated utilizing a per-service area approach and each service area will receive $150,627. SGF has been updated to compensate for any shortfall in TV compared to the previous year.

  • PEI ā€” SGF allocations will remain the same as SFY 2023ā€“2024; however, we will be moving to a quarterly invoicing format. Additionally, Title XIX (TXIX) funding is now available for PEI programs.

TXIX Funding (if applicable) ā€” LHJs can request any amount with the understanding that the agency must have the State General Funds and/or additional agency funds to match TXIX and that their spending plan reflects the agencyā€™s ability to spend all their TXIX request. Due to new FI$Cal requirements, budget revisions that are requesting an increase in TXIX funding must be received after your Q2 invoice has been submitted but no later than March 31, 2025.

AFA Timeline/Important Dates:

May 29, 2024

Release of MCAH SFY 2024ā€“2025 AFA Notification. 

The following AFA forms are located at MCAH, FIMR+, BIH, & PEI Agreement Funding Applications

  • AFA Checklist
  • Agency Information Form
  • MCAH Attestation of Compliance with the Sexual Health Education Accountability Act of 2007 Form
  • ICR Certification Form
  • Annual Inventory Form
  • Subcontract Agreement Transmittal Form
  • Use of Certified Public Funds Form
  • Government Agency Taxpayer ID Form
  • TXIX Attestation Form

Note: The Scope of Work templates (MCAH/BIH/PEI), MCAH Director Verification form, MCF Justification example letter, NFR-CRS form, and budget template are attached to this email. 

June 7, 2024

Last Day to Register for your AFA Development Support and Budget Training Meeting ā€“ Optional budget meetings can be provided for technical assistance necessary to complete local agency budgets. Please reach out to your CL and PC via email to request a Budget Training Meeting. If a meeting is requested, Local MCAH/BIH/PEI Programs and Fiscal representatives with decision making authority are required to attend. MCAH/BIH/PEI AFA budget meetings will be offered via TEAMS. Meetings will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis between June 10 ā€“ 21, 2024.

June 10ā€“21, 2024

MCAH/BIH/PEI AFA Development Support and Budget Training Meetings (Optional)

June 28, 2024

AFA Packages Due Back to MCAH. If needed, please contact your Contract Liaison (CL) for any extensions.

June 29, 2024 Start of MCAH CL/PC AFA Package Review and Approval

AFA Submission: 

Packages are due via email to by June 28, 2024. Please refer to the AFA Checklist instructions for guidance on how to submit your AFA packet. If you have any questions about the AFA process, please contact your CL as soon as possible. 

In previous years, LHJs were required to submit budgets for two years. For this AFA cycle and ongoing, instead of requiring two yearsā€™ worth of budgets, we are only requesting one budget for the current year.

Invoice Submission: 

All invoices and supporting documentation must be submitted via email to the MCAH invoice inbox: To ensure appropriate processing, please use the following invoice naming protocol for the signed invoice PDF and Excel files as well as the subject line of the email: 

Agreement Number, Agency Name, Fiscal Year, and Invoice Quarter and Number - Example: 202401 Alameda FY 24ā€“25 Q1. 

Invoice submission must include:

  • Signed cover letter noting invoice amount, invoice period, remit to address, and any personnel changes
  • Signed invoice
  • Excel version of the invoice
  • Signed and completed TXIX Cover Sheet (if applicable)
  • Signed and completed TXIX Attestation form (if applicable)
  • TV and/or TXIX time studies (if applicable)
  • Below is the Invoice Submission Timeline for your reference:
Invoice Submission Timeline Due date
Quarter 1 (July ā€“ September 30)
November 15, 2024
Quarter 2 (October ā€“ December 31)
February 15, 2025
Quarter 3 (January ā€“ March 31)
May 15, 2025
Quarter 4 (April ā€“ June 30)
August 15, 2025
Approved Supplemental Final Invoice
September 30, 2025

Thank you for your assistance and timely submission of your AFA package. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Contract Liaison.


Angelica Jimenez-Bean
Contract Management and Allocation Process Section Chief
Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Division
Center for Family Health
California Department of Public Health

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