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Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination in California Hospitals, 2022ā€“23

Hospital-based health care personnel (HCP) who receive annual influenza vaccination make an important contribution to prevent transmission of influenza to patients, their families, and the community. California acute care hospitals must offer influenza vaccination at no cost to HCP, require HCP to receive the annual influenza vaccination or declare in writing that he/she declines vaccination, and report vaccination data to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) (Health and Safety Code section 1288.7).

To reach the Healthy People 2020 goal, statewide vaccination among HCP should be at least 90% in the 2022ā€“23 influenza season. During the 2022ā€“23 influenza season, an average 74% of HCP received the influenza vaccine across hospitals.
Influenza vaccination among HCP in California hospitals increased by 1.4% during the 2022ā€“23 influenza season compared with the 2021ā€“22 influenza season (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Hospital Health Care Personnel Influenza Vaccination Coverage by Year

CA Healthcare Personnel Flu Vaccination  2022-2023 74% compliance


Overall, of 391 hospitals only 58 (15%) hospitals achieved the 90% Healthy People 2020 goal (Table 2).

CDPH recommends that all HCP receive annual influenza vaccination. In response to this report, CDPH is providing reminders of the importance of HCP influenza vaccination on monthly healthcare facility calls and webinars, and upon request will provide each local public health agency with a list of hospitals in their jurisdiction that have vaccination rates less than 90% and identify which hospitals should be targeted for local public health intervention.

Influenza Vaccination among Healthcare Personnel in California Hospitals, 2022ā€“23 Annual Report (PDF)

Data used to produce this report are available on the California Health and Human Services Open Data Portal (select Diseases and Conditions).

Visit our interactive mapā€‹ to see your hospitalā€™s HCP influenza (flu) vaccination rate. ā€‹ā€‹

Page Last Updated : February 8, 2024