PPE push pack distribution is part of California's continued effort to provide necessary supplies, prevent the spread of COVID-19, and help ensure the health and safety of SNF residents and staff. Cal OES recently notified the California Department of Public Health's Medical and Health Coordination Center (MHCC) that a new round of PPE push packs will be shipped to SNFs for use and distribution.
Distribution of the PPE push packs will begin May 3, 2021. The quantities for each PPE push pack item will be based on the facility's total number of beds and will include the following:
- Build Your Dreams (BYD) procedure/surgical masks
- BYD N95 masks
- Hand sanitizer
- Goggles
- Gowns
- Nitrile gloves
- Disinfecting wipes
If facilities experience any issues with the shipment of PPE push packs, please email Cal OES at socmhccops@soc.caloes.ca.gov.
Original signed by Cassie Dunham
Cassie Dunham
Acting Deputy Director