Skip Navigation LinksAFL-21-15

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Gavin Newsom

Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health

AFL 21-15
May 13, 2021

All Facilities

Request for 30-day Sustainment Supply of the Stateā€™s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Inventory

All Facilities Letter (AFL) Summary

  • This AFL informs facilities that the Statewide Logistics Task Force has authorized all healthcare providers and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responders to use the state inventory of PPE to request a 30-day sustainment supply of PPE.
    • This is currently a one-time initiative planned to end June 15, 2021. 
  • Facilities and providers should follow established local protocols for requesting resources and work with their appropriate Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC) to coordinate fulfillment of this sustainment resource request. 

The Statewide Logistics Task Force recently notified the California Department of Public Health's Medical and Health Coordination Center (MHCC) that they have authorized all healthcare providers and EMS responders to use the state inventory of PPE to request a 30-day sustainment supply of PPE. This 30-day supply may be used to stock disaster caches or used in daily operations. Healthcare providers and EMS responders may request this 30-day supply irrespective of the current state of commercial supply chains. 

This is currently a one-time initiative planned to end June 15, 2021. This may be re-assessed at a later time. Requests for supplies outside of this initiative should adhere to local policies and the Resource Management chapter of the California Public Health and Medical Emergency Operations Manual (PDF).

The type of PPE authorized from the State inventory is:

  • BYD procedure/surgical masks
  • BYD N95 masks
  • Face Shields
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Goggles
  • Gowns
  • Nitrile gloves
  • Disinfecting wipes

If possible, a single sustainment resource request should be created. Please follow established local protocols for requesting resources and work with your appropriate MHOAC to coordinate fulfillment of this sustainment resource request. Requests for PPE items from non-medical/health entities (e.g., school districts, local government, etc.) should not be made through the MHOAC and should be routed to other appropriate agencies.

If you have any questions regarding this AFL, please contact your respective MHOAC.



Original signed by Cassie Dunham

Cassie Dunham

Acting Deputy Director

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