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licensing and certification

Nursing Home Administrator Program (NHAP)

Guidelines for Approval of Continuing Education Providers and Courses

After careful evaluation, in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 1416.50(f), it has been determined that there are not enough CE providers to adequately meet the needs of our program participants. In order to address this issue and streamline the submission process, we have made the decision to transition all continuing education providers and course submissions to the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) which is overseen by the National Association of Boards of Examiners of Long-term Care Administrators (NAB). Effective July 1, 2024, the NHAP will no longer accept or approve continuing education provider or course submissions.ā€Æ

If you are interested in becoming a NAB certified provider, please visit the NABā€™s Become a CE Provider webpage. For detailed information on NABā€™s membership categories, you can refer to the CE Provider Handbook (PDF). To begin the process, visit CE Provider Interest Formā€‹ for the first step in getting started.ā€‹

Continuing Education Credits for License Renewal

A Nurse Home Administrator license is issued for two years. In order to renew a license, the applicant shall provide evidence satisfactory to the program that he or she has completed 40 hours of program-approved continuing education courses, of which at least 10 total hours shall be specifically in the area of aging or patient care.ā€‹

A. Licensees must either provide photocopies of NHAP approved courses or if using NCER credits, have CE certificates uploaded to NABā€™s CE registry during each licensing period.
B. Credit for course work will be allocated as follows:

  1. Students in NAB approved courses will receive one hour of credit for each classroom hour attended.
  2. Aging and Patient care courses must meet the following definitions.

ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹a) Aging: Courses in aging should relate to the processes and facets of aging, and any biological, mental and sociological implications. Classes may also include study and treatment of diseases associated with the elderly. In general, courses should contribute to the knowledge and understanding of older adults, such as special dietary needs of the elderly, psychological implications associated with institutionalization, and protecting the elderly in a restraint-free environment.

b) Patient Care: Courses relating to the care of the patient, which may include elements of the physical, psychological or sociological aspects of care; i.e., care and treatment of pressure ulcers, Alzheimerā€™s, identification and treatment of elderly depression, and activities enhancing socialization skills. Programs defining, explaining or promoting patientsā€™ rights in skilled nursing facilities will also receive credit. ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

California Health and Safety Codes for Continuing Education

A. The 1416.50 Health and Safety code can be found here.ā€‹

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