The California Reportable Disease Information Exchange (CalREDIE) is a secure system that the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has implemented for electronic disease reporting and surveillance. Specified diseases and conditions are mandated by State laws and regulations to be reported by healthcare providers and laboratories to the public health authorities. The purpose of CalREDIE is to improve the efficiency of surveillance activities and the early detection of public health events through the collection of complete and timely surveillance information on a state wide basis. This allows for 24/7/365 reporting and receipt of notifiable conditions. Local Health Departments (LHDs) and CDPH have access to disease and laboratory reports in near real-time for disease surveillance, public health investigation, and case management activities.
Coordinated by the California Disease Emergency Response (CDER) Program within the Division of Communicable Disease Control (DCDC), the CalREDIE system is widely utilized by LHDs and healthcare providers within California. Additionally, over 350 laboratories electronically submit reportable lab results to public health through CalREDIE Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR). Today, all 61 LHDs in California use CalREDIE in some capacity, and 58 LHDs use the system for surveillance of all notifiable communicable diseases.