To prevent hospitalizations and deaths, to more effectively and expeditiously administer vaccines, and to maintain hospital services to all Californians, especially in the most impacted communities, California will prioritize vaccinating health care personnel, including vaccinators, and all persons 65 years of age or older. This policy shall be carried out with a deep commitment to equity, without profiteering, and in a manner that ensures no doses are wasted.
All vaccination providers should:
- Continue vaccinating all persons in Phase 1a.
- Begin vaccinating persons 65 years of age or older. Based on available supply, prioritize and target outreach efforts as follows:
- Age, with persons 75 years or older prioritized due to increased risk of mortality and other severe disease
- Occupational Risk Exposure, individuals working in sectors in Phase 1b, Tier 1 with high occupational exposure
- Residence in vulnerable communities, as determined by the California Healthy Places Index or comparable local health department knowledge, to address equity and communities disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
Health departments and providers may offer doses promptly to people in lower priority groups when:
- Demand subsides in the current groups or
- Doses are about to expire according to labeling instructions or
- Doses that have been thawed and would otherwise go to waste.
Use all first doses immediately and do not hold first doses for second doses. Coordinate with your allocating entity about when you will receive second doses.
The recommendations continue to be subject to review and further revisions.