Contact Us
(510) 620-3800
LFS Northern California Office
850 Marina Bay Parkway
Bldg. P, 1st Floor
Richmond, CA 94804
Main Phone Number: (510) 620-3800
Fax: (510) 620-3822 or (510) 620-3697
LFS Southern California Office
320 West 4th Street, Suite 890
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Main Phone Number: (213) 620-6160
Fax: (213) 620-6565
Notice Regarding Subpoenas
Please serve all subpoenas by messenger at the CDPH Office of Legal Services (OLS) in Sacramento:
California Department of Public Health
Office of Legal Services
1415 L Street, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
Clinical Laboratory Complaints Program
Laboratory Field Services receives hundreds of clinical laboratory complaints each year. Please visit the Clinical Laboratory Complaints Program for information about how to file a complaint, how a complaint is handled and how to contact us.