On September 7, 2024, Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency in San Bernardino County due to the Line Fire. The fast-moving Line Fire near the City of Highland has burned more than 7,000 acres, forcing the evacuation of residents and threatening homes and critical infrastructure.
Among other provisions, the proclamations waive certain licensing requirements and fees for out-of-state contractors and others working with California utilities to restore electricity. The proclamations also support impacted residents by easing access to unemployment benefits and waiving fees to replace driver’s licenses and records such as marriage and birth certificates.
Pursuant to this Proclamation of a State of Emergency, fees for certified copies of birth, death, marriage, and dissolution of marriage records are suspended for any individual who lost such records because of the fires. This Proclamation will remain in effect until the Governor terminates the State of Emergency. This Proclamation is available for viewing at:
Proclamation Line Fire (PDF, .08MB)
When requesting free copies of a vital record, survivors should state on the application, “Line Fire” and complete the enclosed sworn statement declaring under penalty of perjury that they are a survivor. The sworn statement for wildfire survivors is a combined sworn statement which also includes the sworn statement required by Health and Safety Code Section 103526. For requests sent to the California Department of Public Health – Vital Records (CDPH-VR), survivors should additionally make the notation “Line Fire” on the front of the mailing envelope, for faster processing.
The application and combined sworn statement must be submitted to complete the request.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the CDPH-VR, Issuance Section at (916) 552-8116.
Original Signed by:
Tomás Aragón, MD, DrPH
Director & State Public Health Officer
California Department of Public Health
CDPH Vital Records, MS 5103 ● P.O. Box 997410 ● Sacramento, CA 95899-7410
(916) 552-8116 ● (916) 552-8170 FAX
Internet Address: www.cdph.ca.gov