Skip Navigation LinksAddendum2-Removal-of-Required-Fulltime-Equivalent-FTE Addendum 2 Removal of Required Fulltime Equivalent Percentage for Lead Staff in Appendix 1

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State of Californiaā€”Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health


Addendum 2. Removal of Required Fulltime Equivalent (FTE) Percentage for Lead Staff in Appendix 1

To:    ā€‹   Prospective Applicants

ā€‹From: California Department of Public Health (CDPH)

This Addendum 2 was issued to remove the requirement of a lead staff at 50% FTE per week on Page 8 of Appendix 1. Application Instructions for Request for Applications (RFA) #24-10004 Alzheimer's Disease Research Awards. Changes made to the RFA are shown as:

  • Text additions are displayed in bold and underlined.

  • Text deletions are displayed as strikethrough (i.e., strikeout).

The revisions are as follows:
APPENDIX 1. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS, Document F. (Budget Instructions) 1. Personnel Costs, Item 3. 

How to Calculate the Four (4) Budget Categories

1. Personnel Costs

  1. List each position by title, required to complete the Scope of Work activities throughout the term of the grant.
  2. Position Titles in the budget justification must be consistent with the titles listed in the Scope of Work Responsible Parties section.
  3. Designate a lead staff position to provide a minimum required 50% FTE per week and oversight of evaluation activities i.e., Project Director. Designate a lead staff position/principal investigator (PI) to oversee the project for the term of the agreement.

ā€‹The Addendum 2 is posted on the Alzheimerā€™s Disease Program (ADP) Funding Opportunities webpage