This Addendum 2 was issued to remove the requirement of a lead staff at 50% FTE per week on Page 8 of Appendix 1. Application Instructions for Request for Applications (RFA) #24-10004 Alzheimer's Disease Research Awards. Changes made to the RFA are shown as:
Text additions are displayed in bold and underlined.
Text deletions are displayed as strikethrough (i.e., strikeout).
The revisions are as follows:
APPENDIX 1. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS, Document F. (Budget Instructions) 1. Personnel Costs, Item 3.
How to Calculate the Four (4) Budget Categories
1. Personnel Costs
- List each position by title, required to complete the Scope of Work activities throughout the term of the grant.
- Position Titles in the budget justification must be consistent with the titles listed in the Scope of Work Responsible Parties section.
- Designate a lead staff position to provide a minimum required 50% FTE per week and oversight of evaluation activities i.e., Project Director. Designate a lead staff position/principal investigator (PI) to oversee the project for the term of the agreement.
āThe Addendum 2 is posted on the Alzheimerās Disease Program (ADP) Funding Opportunities webpage.