The California Lead-Related Construction (LRC) program was created to ensure that construction activities involving lead are performed in a manner that eliminates existing lead hazards and avoids creating new lead poisoning hazards for children and other occupants, as well as the workers themselves. The primary activities managed by the LRC Unit are:
Apply for individual certification or renewal (NOTE: Refresher training required every 24 months.)
Applicants for Worker or Sampling Technician certification do not need to take the exam.
The state qualifying exam is administered online and on a quarterly basis by CPS HR. Visit their website or call (916) 263-3624, Option 5, for scheduling and exam application.
Additional exam instructions and study guides
The State exam is different than the test that is administered at the end of each accredited lead-related construction course and that applies to all the disciplines (Supervisor, Inspector/Assessor, Project Monitor, Worker and Sampling Technician).