Request for Application #21-10731 Lead Hazard Reduction Program
UPDATE: CDPH has concluded its review of applications
received as a result of this RFA. Notice is hereby given that CDPH intends to
award contract #21-10731 to the following organizations: Azure Community
Development and Laborers' International Union of North America – Local 300.
California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch (CLPPB) is requesting applications to implement a Lead Hazard Reduction Program in Orange County.
The purpose of the program is to maximize the number of children under the age of six protected from lead poisoning by undertaking comprehensive programs to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in low-income privately-owned rental or owner-occupied housing populations.
The selected contractor will:
- Complete Lead Hazard Control (LHC) services to 50 pre-1978 privately owned residential units meeting eligibility requirements, averaging $16,300 per unit
- Complete additional Healthy Homes (HH) services in 46 of the 50 units receiving Lead Hazard Control Services, averaging $5,000 per unit
- Build a pipeline of eligible households to receive services and conduct eligibility verification activities
- Conduct complete lead hazard inspections, environmental review, and clearance inspections for each unit receiving services
- Provide lead-based paint hazard education to enrolled property owner and residents and participate in at least two community outreach events to educate the general public on lead hazards
- Provide regular monthly progress reports to CDPH and provide CDPH unit assessment reports and cost estimates prior to conducting LHC and HH services
- Build capacity for LHC work in the county and demonstrate efforts to recruit from the low-income community to fill vacant positions within Contractor's LHC program
- Conduct LHC activities in a timely manner in accordance with federal and state regulations and standards
The following organizations/entities may apply:
- IRS recognized 501(c)3 not for profit organizations
- Health Systems (i.e. health centers, hospitals)
- Academic institutions
- Local health departments
Individuals are not eligible to apply.
Funding Restrictions
Award made available through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program, FR-6500-N-13. Funds are administered by CDPH CLPPB and are subject to all applicable federal and state regulations. Funding will be awarded in the form of a contract. Organizations will contract with CDPH and submit invoices in arrears.
Funds under resulting agreements cannot be used for the following:
- To conduct research of any kind
- To purchase equipment
- To pay for food
- For out of state travel
- For political lobbying
- Swag (water bottles, key chains, bags etc.)
Agreement Term and Funding Availability
Funding Term
- One award will be made. The term of the resulting Agreement is expected to be June 2022 to May 2025 . The Agreement term may change if CDPH makes the award earlier than expected or if CDPH cannot execute the Agreement in a timely matter due to unforeseen delays.
- The resulting Agreement will be in no force until signed by both parties and approved by CDPH. The Awardee is cautioned not to commence performance until all approvals are obtained. Should performance commence before all approvals are obtained, said services may be considered to have been volunteered without State reimbursement.
- CDPH reserve the right to modify the term of the resulting Agreement via a formal amendment process to modify the SOW or budget based on changes to further the implementation of the state's cancer plan objectives and strategies.
Funding Amount
The total amount available is anticipated to be $1,402,627. Contractors will be reimbursed for implementation and satisfactory completion of the Scope of Work activities in their resulting contract. CDPH reserves the right to initiate amendments as necessary to redistribute funds to meet the needs of the project's success. There is a $100,000 match requirement for this program, however potential CDBG funding has been identified from the City of Santa Ana to cover this match requirement.
Funding Source
The primary source of funding is federal funds received the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program. The Notice of Funding Opportunity at
FR-6500-N-13 provides a complete overview of the program requirements and activities. The Lead Hazard Control (LHC) Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number is 14.905.
RFA application deadline:
May 16, 2022 by 5pm Pacific Standard Time. Applications should be emailed to, subject line: Application - CLPPB RFA 21-1073. Applications received after the due date/time will not be accepted.
RFA Release Date |
Thursday, April 14, 2022 |
Last Day to Submit Written Questions |
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 |
Responses to Written Questions Posted |
Thursday, April 21, 2022 |
Applications Due |
Monday, May 16, 2022 |
Awards Posted |
Friday, June 3, 2022 |
Contract Document Finalization
June-July 2022 |
Anticipated Contract Start Date |
July-August 2022 |
Contract End Date |
May 2025
Applicant Questions and Clarification of the RFA
CDPH will accept questions related to this RFA. Questions may include, but are not limited to, clarification of eligibility, or about instructions, requirements or RFA materials. All applicants must follow the process below to submit questions.
How to submit Questions in the RFA
- Submit questions by email to with the subject line: Question – CLPPB RFA 21-10731. No verbal questions will be accepted.
- CDPH will send an email confirmation receipt of written questions. If confirmation is not received, applicants may call (510) 620-5627 prior to the stated deadline for submission of written questions to confirm receipt of questions.
- Submit written questions by the due date specified in the Timeline section of this RFA.
What to Include in an Inquiry
- Name of inquirer, name of the organization represented, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
- A description of the subject, concern, or issue in question or the RFA discrepancy found.
- RFA section, page number or other information useful in identifying the specific problem, concern, or issue in question.
- Proposed remedy sought or suggested, if any.
Response by CDPH
- CDPH reserves the right to seek clarification of any inquiry received and to answer only questions considered relevant to this RFA. At its discretion, CDPH may consolidate and/or paraphrase similar or related inquiries.
- Questions and answered will be published on the CLPPB website on the date identified in the timeline.
- CDPH may issue an addendum to address clarifications of the RFA up until the application submission deadline. Addendums, if needed, will be posted on the CLPPB website.
Application Format
The following items must be submitted in the application:
Applicant Information (Attachment A) must be completed and returned as the cover page of the application.
Application Narrative (Attachment B) must be no longer than two pages (single-sided, single-spaced) with a 12pt. font size and 1-inch margins on all sides.
The Application Narrative must address the following:
- Description of organizational mission, target population, and primary activities
- Organizational capacity, qualifications and experience in initiating and implementing related to related environmental, health, or housing programs
- List and describe any sub-contractor organizations that will provide critical services and activities as part of program. Describe solicitation process.
- Organizational budget and example of other relevant grants or contracts currently held
- Track record in meeting past grant or contract program requirements
- If a match of up to $100,000 is required, the funding source
Work Plan (Attachment C)
Budget (Attachment D)
Application Review Process
Stage One: Administrative and Completeness Screening (Pass/Fail)
Applications will be reviewed for on-time submission and compliance with the Application Format requirements. Applicants will receive a pass/fail grade for Stage One. Applicants who do not receive a pass grade in Stage One will not move on to Stage Two.
Stage Two: Application Scoring (25 points)
Each application will be evaluated and scored according to the scoring criteria by a review committee on a scale of zero to 25 points. To be eligible for funding, an application must receive a score of 20 points or more. However, scoring 20 or more does not guarantee funding or funding at the level requested. CDPH reserves the right to not fund any of the applications received for this RFA. Funding decisions may also be made to ensure:
- No duplication or overlap of efforts with existing CDPH-funded projects.
- Alignment with federal funding and programmatic restrictions
The table below describes the maximum point value for each RFA scoring criteria.
Clearly outlines organizational capacity and ability to meet program requirements. |
Provides a clear understanding of program requirements. |
Describes the organization's alignment with Lead Hazard Reduction services. |
Demonstrates how the organization will ensure effective use of funds. |
Clearly outlines an approach for meeting program goals. |
Clearly describes how personnel and contractors will be used. |
Budget follows funding restriction guidance, and is complete with reasonable and justified costs.
Is project sustainable after the grant period? |
Total Points Possible |
Attachment A – Applicant Information
Attachment B – Applicant Narrative
Attachment C – Work Plan
Attachment D – Sample Budget
To receive sample agreement exhibits and Standard Form 213, please email
Contract Award Appeal Procedure
An Eligible Entity (EE) who has submitted an application and was not funded may file an appeal in accordance with State Contracting Manual Section 6.35. Appeals must state the reason, law, rule, regulation, or practice that the EE believes has been improperly applied in regard to the evaluation or selection process. There is no appeal process for applications that are submitted late or are incomplete. Appeals shall be limited to the following: a) CDPH CLPPB failed to correctly apply the application review process, the format requirements, or evaluating the applications as specified in the RFA. B) CDPH CLPPB failed to follow the methods for evaluating and scoring the applications as specified in the RFA.
Appeals must be sent by email to and must be received by June 15th, 5 pm PST, 2022. The Branch Chief of CLPPB, or a specified designee, will then come to a decision based on the written appeal letter. The decision of the Chief, or the specified designee, will be the final remedy. Applicants will be notified by email within 15 days of the results of the written appeal letter. CDPH CLPPB reserves the right to award the contract when all appeals have been resolved, withdrawn, or responded to the satisfaction of CDPH CLPPB.
Lead Hazard Reduction Program | 2022-2025
Name of Organization
Contact Person (Name and Title)
Topic Area
Amount Requested
Mailing Address, City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Tax ID Number
E-mail Address
If your organization uses a fiscal agent to administer funds please list the agencies name and mailing address here
Physical Address (If different from mailing address)
Organization Mission Statement
The application narrative must be no longer than two pages (single-sided, single-spaced) with a 12pt. font size and 1-inch margins on all sides.
Proposal Description
- Provide a summary of your proposed intervention.
- Describe the specific activities, and outcomes that will be accomplished by your proposal.
- Describe plans for measuring and evaluating intervention accomplishments.
Organizational Capacity
- Describe the staff (personnel, contractors, and volunteers), their roles, and relevant qualifications that will be responsible for implementing this proposed intervention.
- List any partners or collaborations that will provide critical services and activities. Describe the solicitation process, if applicable.
- Describe your organization's experience and alignment with the program goals and activities.
Instructions: Insert applicable information as appropriate. Additional rows may be added if needed.
2) |
Sample Year (1) July 2022 - June 2023
Position Title (e.g., Program Manager)
Position Title (e.g., Supervisor)
Position Title (e.g., Crew)
Position Title (e.g., Crew)
Position Title (e.g., Crew)
Total Salaries and Wages |
Fringe Benefits
Description of Fringe Benefit Expense
Total Fringe Benefits
Description of Transportation Expense
Total Transportation
Description of Expense
Description of Expense
Description of Expense
Description of Expense
Total Supplies and Materials Costs
Subcontractor Name
Subcontractor Name
Total Subcontractor Expense
Description of Expense
Description of Expense
Description of Expense
Description of Expense
Total Other Direct Costs
Refer to the following HUD Policy Guidance documents for additional information: