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childhood lead poisoning prevention branch

Tips and Complaints

Tips and Complaints

Other Agencies

Contact E & C

ā€‹Overview of Enforcement and Compliance

The Enforcement and Compliance Section (E&C) promotes compliance with lead-related construction requirement by conducting enforcement inspections, responding to tips and complaints and providing compliance assistance on regulatory requirements. E&C also supports local government agencies involved in those activities. 

ā€‹The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch has the authority to take enforcement action for violations of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act under California Health and SafetyCode enforcement officer Code (105250-105257) and associated regulations. 

Tips and Complaints

E&C relies heavily upon tips and complaints to identify potential violations by lead-related construction professionals and the training providers who teach them. Note, though, that there are other agencies also involved in enforcing regulations involving lead-based paint. 

Other Agencies 

US EPA - Renovation or Real Estate Disclosureā€‹

If a home built before 1978 is leased or sold without a completed lead disclosure form and the Protect Your Family brochure, or if a renovation that disturbs paint is conducted in a home built before 1978 without providing and following the renovations procedures in the Renovate Right brochure, file a tip and complaint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It is not necessary to know if lead is present in the paint or for the intent of the activity to remove known or presumed lead building components.

Cal/OSHA - Worker Safetyā€‹

If workers are being exposed to known lead paint or materials containing lead without proper protective gear or containment of the worksite, contact Cal/OSHA. It is necessary to know if lead is present in the paint.

Local Building Code Enforcement Agencies

If unsafe lead work practices are used or lead hazards are being create, in a home or public building built before 1978, contact your local county or city code enforcement agency (PDF).

Contact E&C

Lead Related Construction (LRC) Professional

If lead activities (including abatement, lead hazard evaluation, lead-related construction work, or any activity which disturbs lead-based paint, presumed lead-based paint, or creates a lead hazard) potentially violate CDPH requirements, email the following information to E&C at The explicit intent of the activity must be to remove or prevent exposure to lead. If not, please forward the tip and complaint to US EPA Renovation or Real Estate Disclosure

The tip and complaint must contain the followingā€‹ information:

  1. LRC company name 
  2. LRC company address and/or phone number
  3. Briefly describe the intent of the activity
  4. Address of location where activity occurred
  5. Date(s) of activity

Describe potential violation(s), including:

  1. Lack of CDPH LRC Professional Certification
  2. Evaluation ā€“ Improper testing
  3. Evaluation ā€“ Improper reporting
  4. Abatement - Work debris beyond worksite
  5. Abatement - Unsafe work practice
  6. Abatement ā€“ Improper notice

Please provide as much additional detail as possible about the activity, who was involved in the activity and why the activity may have violated the lead related construction requirements at HSC 105250 et. seq. and associated regulations at 17 CCR 35001 et.seq.

Lead-related construction work includes any construction, alteration, painting, demolition, salvage, renovation, repair, maintenance or any residential or public building, including preparation and clear up, that, by using or disturbing lead-containing material or soil, may result in significant exposure of adults or children to lead.

Accredited Training Provider

If a training provider accredited by CDPH to instruct courses violates CDPH requirements, email the following information to E&C at

The tip and complaint must contain the following information:

  1. Training provider company name
  2. Training provider company address 
  3. Training provider company phone number
  4. Name of instructor(s)
  5. Course title
  6. Course date

Describe potential violation(s), including:

  1. Unqualified instructor(s)
  2. Lack of hands-on training component
  3. Less than 8 contact hours (e.g., 50 minutes of instruction plus 10 minute break per hour) per day of instruction
  4. Test cheating allowed 
  5. Other
  6. Briefly explain the potential violation

Please provide as much additional detail as possible about the course, who was involved in instructing the course and why the course may have violated the lead related construction requirements at HSC 105250 et. seq. and associated regulations at 17 CCR 35001 et.seq.ā€‹

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