Persons and organizations who desire to import certain species of non-human primate, bat, or carnivore into California from other states must first obtain a wild animal importation permit from the Veterinary Public Health Section, California Department of Public Health (Health & Safety Code Ā§121775-121870; California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Ā§30070-30086). Immediately following arrival, CDPH-permitted animals are required to be quarantined in facilities approved by CDPH. Imported animals may be released from quarantine only after being certified by a veterinarian as healthy and free from infectious diseases and upon authorization by CDPH.
Additional permits may also be required from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for designated restricted species.
Importation of wild animals into California from outside the United States is subject to regulation by the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
For detailed information about the permit process, please click on the appropriate category below: āāā