File a Lead-Related Complaint
Tips, complaints, and referrals from the public are important sources for the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch (CLPPB) Enforcement and Compliance (E&C) team and can help identify violations of law or regulation.
How to File a Complaint
Work being conducted by a CDPH Lead-Related Construction Professional or Training Provider
To report a violation concerning work being conducted by a lead-related construction professional (i.e., individuals certified by CDPH to perform lead inspections or lead abatement in California) or a CDPH Accredited Training Provider, choose one of the following:
Renovation and Real Estate Lead Disclosure Complaints
Go to the US EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule website to submit a tip and complaint.
Workplace Safety or Health Hazards
Go to the Cal/OSHA webpage for more information on how to submit a complaint.
Additional Information
For more information on filing a complaint, please read the following:
What information must be provided to file a complaint?
A complaint must contain enough information for the CLPPB E&C team to establish the possibility of a violation occurring. You do not need to provide all the details, but when filing a complaint with CLPPB, it is advisable to include as much of the following information as you can:
- Your name and contact information. CLPPB keeps this information confidential unless you request otherwise. If you provide this information, CLPPB can follow up for more information and to inform you about the complaint process.
- Name, address, and telephone number of the company or Training Provider
- Name of the individual performing the work (lead-related construction activities) or instructors.
- Detailed description of the violation
- Date(s) of the violation
- Address where the violation occurred.
- How long the violation has been occurring.
- Name of the course and course dates (Training Provider complaint)
What are the potential violations?
CDPH certified lead-related professionals and Training Providers are held to the following regulations when performing activities: HSC 105250 et. seq. and associated regulations at 17 CCR 35001 et.seq.
CDPH certified lead-related professionals perform lead activities which include abatement, lead hazard evaluation, or lead-related construction work. The explicit intent of the activity must be to remove or prevent exposure to lead. The following are examples, but not all, of potential violations by lead-related construction professionals:
- Lack of CDPH lead-related construction certification
- Improper lead-paint testing
- Improper lead-paint test reporting (CDPH Form 8552)
- Lead-related construction debris beyond worksite
- No containment during lead-related construction activities
- Improper lead abatement notice (CDPH Form 8551)
CDPH certified Training Providers are accredited to instruct lead-related certification courses. The following are examples, but not all, of potential violations by Training Providers:
- Unqualified instructor(s)
- Lack of a hands-on training component
- Less than 8 contact hours (e.g., 50 minutes of instruction plus 10-minute break per hour) per day of instruction
- Test cheating allowed
How does the CLPPB E&C Team respond to complaints?
CLPPB has the authority to respond in several ways. CLPPB can perform an unannounced onsite inspection and perform an investigation by letter. Depending on the severity of the complaint CLPPB will respond appropriately. Identity of the complainant remains confidential unless the complainant requests otherwise.
CLPPB will forward lead hazard complaints to local jurisdiction enforcement authorities for follow up, therefore it is important you include your contact information and county of residence.