The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) program investigates work-related fatalities to identify the causes and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. FACE has created fall prevention tailgate trainings with materials in English and Spanish.
Our tailgate planning and training cards cover four construction safety fall prevention topic areas: Skylights, Roofs, and Floor Openings; Step and Extension Ladder Safety; Scaffold Safety; and Fall Restraint/Fall Arrest Systems.
Each set of planning and training cards is meant to be paired with one of two short safety videos or “digital stories,” Preventing Falls Through Skylights, and Preventing Falls in the Solar Industry. Training materials also include instructions on how to use the cards and how to create your own tailgate training using topics contained in the Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry (PDF) (also available in Spanish), and a participant sign-in sheet. These cards are simple to use and are designed to improve the quality of tailgate trainings.
How to use the FACE tailgate training cards (PDF) | Spanish
Tailgate training card template (create your own topic-specific card) (PDF) | Spanish
Tailgate training participant sign-in sheet (PDF) | Spanish
Preventing Falls Through Skylights Video | Video in Spanish
Skylights Training: Roofs and Floor Openings Planning Card 1 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 1a | Spanish
Skylights Training: Ladder Safety Planning Card 2 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 2a | Spanish
Skylights Training: Scaffold Safety Planning Card 3 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 3a | Spanish
Skylights Training: Fall Restraint Systems Planning Card 4 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 4a | Spanish
Preventing Falls Through Skylights Video Action Page
Preventing Falls in the Solar Industry Video | Video in Spanish
Solar Training: Fall Restraint Systems Planning Card 5 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 5a | Spanish
Solar Training: Ladder Safety Planning Card 6 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 6a | Spanish
Solar Training: Scaffold Safety Planning Card 7 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 7a | Spanish
Solar Training: Roofs and Floor Openings Planning Card 8 (PDF) | Spanish | Training Card 8a | Spanish
Preventing Falls in the Solar Industry Action Page
Preventing Falls in Construction Page