"Altered or disturbed" has a specific regulatory definition, which is “subjected to a process that may result in the release of dust, mist, fume, or other particles. Such processes may include, but are not limited to, cutting, welding, grinding, polishing, scraping, melting, sanding, spraying, or pressure blasting.”
Examples of activities where lead may be altered or disturbed:
- Painters: sanding, scraping, or preparing painted surfaces prior to repainting
- Contractors, plumbers, HVAC contractors: cutting through painted walls to access plumbing, HVAC ducts, etc.; use of materials such as solder that contain lead
- Demolition: tearing down structures, tearing off old roofs with lead sheeting
- Firearms: security personnel discharging firearms with leaded ammunition while on duty or during twice yearly firearms permit re-qualifications.
- Scrap metal: recycling brass, bronze, and some steel and aluminum alloys; cutting or crushing painted or coated materials, etc.
For more examples, see Identifying Lead in the Workplace (PDF), a list of common sources of lead and lead-containing materials at a worksite.