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BuildSafe California Educational Materials & Publications

Tailgate Training Materials - Safety Break Cards

Conducting Effective Tailgate Trainings (journal abstract)

Project Background

Tailgate Training Materials - Safety Break Cards

BuildSafe California produced a health and safety tailgate training kit in English and Spanish.  The kit consists of Safety Break cards on 23 construction safety topics. It also includes instructions on how to use the cards and a template for designing safety trainings that meet a specific worksite's needs using other topics contained in the Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide  (English or Spanish) (PDF) for the Construction Industry. These cards are simple to use and designed to improve the quality of tailgates. 

  1. How To Use Safety Break Cards (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  2. Chemical Hazards (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  3. Electrical Safety (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  4. Emergencies/First Aid (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  5. Eye Protection (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  6. Fall Protection (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  7. Guardrails (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  8. Hazard Awareness (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  9. Hearing Protection (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  10. Heat Stress (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  11. Ladders – Extension (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  12. Ladders – Step (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  13. Lifting (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  14. Power Tool Safety (PDF)Spanish (PDF)
  15. Respirator Review (1/2 Mask) (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  16. Scaffolds (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  17. Slips and Trips (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  18. Sun Protection (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  19. Toxic Dust Awareness - Asbestos and Lead (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  20. Toxic Dusts – Silica (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  21. Trenching (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  22. Vehicles Backing Up (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  23. Working Smart (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  24. Creating A New Safety Break Card(PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  25. Blank Card (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)
  26. Sign-In Sheet (PDF) | Spanish (PDF)


Conducting Effective Tailgate Trainings - journal article abstract (2008)
Effective tailgate trainings (brief jobsite safety meetings) can be a powerful tool to promote hazard awareness and safe work practices. OHB’s BuildSafe California project conducted training-of-trainers for over 1,500 construction contractors and supervisors to improve their ability to provide effective tailgate trainings. This article in the journal Health Promotion Practice describes the key elements of an effective tailgate training, and the project intervention and evaluation findings.

BuildSafe California Project Summary - description of project

Other Tailgate Training Materials - links to tailgate materials created by other programs

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