Occupational Health Watch: March 2022
Indoor Air Quality and Masking
Two new online resources highlight how to help the school community reduce the risk of COVID-19. The first resource covers information about ways to improve indoor air quality in schools and the second discusses masking for children.
A new factsheet, Improving Indoor Air Quality in Schools, describes how having good ventilation and air filtration in schools can reduce COVID-19 and other diseases that spread through the air. The document includes information about mechanical ventilation (HVAC) systems, natural ventilation like opening doors and windows, and adding portable air cleaning devices (PACs) to classrooms.

The second resource, a one-pager on Masking tips for children, outlines how good quality, well-fitting masks help protect children from COVID-19 at school. It includes tips like encouraging children to wear the best possible mask ā one that fits and filters well. The resource describes masks that are the most effective, and those that are the least effective. Although California lifted the statewide requirement for masks in schools and childcare on March 11, CDPH still strongly recommends masking in these and other indoors settings as an important prevention measure.
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