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Occupational Health Branch

Respiratory Protection: Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard

When engineering and work practice controls do not provide enough protection from workplace hazards, personal protective equipment such as respiratory protection may be necessary. However, a respirator will not provide the intended protection if employers choose the wrong type of respirator or one that doesnā€™t fit the individual worker, or allow it to be used improperly.

The Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard covers any use of respiratory protection in the workplace. Employer requirements include a written program with designated program administrator, respirator selection procedures, medical evaluations, training, fit testing and recordkeeping.

Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard

Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard (standard without appendices) ā€“ Title 8 CCR; Section 5144

Respiratory Protection Standard Appendix A: Fit Test Protocols

Respiratory Protection Standard Appendix B-1: User Seal Check Procedures

Respiratory Protection Standard Appendix B-2: Respirator Cleaning Procedures

Respiratory Protection Standard Appendix C: Medical Evaluation Questionnaire

Respiratory Protection Standard Appendix D: Information for Voluntary Users

Publications and Reports

Respirator Program Toolkit for Hospitals - Guide and resources for effective respirator use

How to Use Half-mask Respirators to Prevent Lead Poisoning (PDF)


Respirator Use in Health Care Workplaces - Protecting workers from infectious diseases

Related Links & Resources

Respiratory protection resources - general

Respiratory protection resources - health care

Cal/OSHA Aerosol Transmissible Disease Standards

Federal OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard - CFR 1910.134

Page Last Updated : August 21, 2018