Employers & Work-Related Asthma
Asthma is a lung disease. People with asthma sometimes have a hard time breathing. They may have wheezing, chest tightness, and cough.
Asthma that is caused or made worse by chemicals or substances at work is called "work-related asthma." A worker may get asthma symptoms right after breathing in a substance. Or, an employee may feel symptoms hours after leaving work. Sometimes people can work around a substance for many years with no problems. They can later become sensitized, or allergic, to the substance and get new asthma. The earlier a person stops being around the substance, the more the person's asthma can improve.
Some examples of substances that can cause asthma or make it worse include include flour, some cleaning chemicals, certain welding fumes, latex, animal dander, epoxies, chlorine, isocyanates, formaldehyde, wood dust, some disinfectants, and metalworking fluids. Very low amounts of these substances can cause asthma in some people, even levels that are below Cal/OSHA worker exposure limits (when they exist).
Rates of asthma have increased in the U.S. and in California in the last ten years. About 15-30% of all new asthma cases among adults in the U.S come from workplace.
1. How is work-related asthma treated?
The most important way to treat work-related asthma is to stop or limit the exposures that are causing the symptoms. The earlier a person stops being around the substance that is causing breathing problems, the more the person's asthma can improve. Treatment may include anti-inflammatory medicines such as inhaled steroids and bronchodilators.
2. How does the Work-Related Asthma Prevention Program find out that workers have work-related asthma?
All health care providers in California are required to complete a Doctor's First Report of Occupational Injury or Illness (DFR) whenever they see a patient with a suspected work-related health problem. We identify all the DFRs that report work-related asthma. We also receive information from hospitals and workers compensation claims.
3. How can work-related asthma be prevented?
The first step is to learn if substances at work with can cause asthma. The
Association of Occupational & Environmental Clinics (AOEC) has a searchable database that lists asthma-causing substances, also known as 'asthmagens.' Substances found in many workplaces can cause new cases of asthma and make someone's asthma worse. Workplaces should not use asthma-causing substances. Instead, they can replace them with safer options whenever possible. If alternatives are not possible, use engineering controls like ventilation, and personal protective equipment like respirators. An effective asthma prevention program will educate and train its workers. It will also create a safer workplace by preventing hazards, and keep track of staff with work-related asthma (medical surveillance).
Fact Sheets & Booklets for Employers
Work-Related Asthma: Findings from Statewide Tracking (PDF) | Spanish | Chinese | Korean | Tagalog | Vietnamese - fact sheet, 2019
Disinfectants and Work-Related Asthma: Information for Employers (PDF)ā fact sheet, February 2017
Work-Related Asthma: What You Should Know (PDF) |
Spanish ā fact sheets, May 2014
Fragrances and Work-Related Asthma ā web page, June 2017
Protecting Pool Workers from Chemical -Injuries & Illnesses (PDF) | Spanish | Chinese - booklet, August 2018
Pool Chemical Safety: Be Safe at Work! (PDF) | Spanish | Chinese - workplace poster
- Pool Chemicals and Work-Related Asthma: Information for Employers (PDF) ā fact sheet, April 2014
Cleaning Products and Work-Related Asthma (PDF) ā fact sheet, February 2015
Wood Dust and Work-Related Asthma (PDF, 2MB) |
Spanish (PDF, 2 MB) |
Chinese (PDF, 14 MB) ā booklet, December 2017
Removing Graffiti Safely (PDF) ā booklet, revised 2004
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