Skip Navigation LinksCAIR-records-LHD-Snowflake-Influenza-Vaccine-Recip-Data-Dictionary

California Immunization Registry​​

CAIR Influenza Vaccina​tions​​​                     CAIR Logo
Data Dictionary - Recipient View

​Last Updated 4/17/2023

Word Document version
​Data Type and Flu Season Dates not given and are available in Excel workbook​ only.

Snowflake Dataset 

Dataset Description: This is a recipient- level view that contains all influenza vaccine recipients reported to the California Immunization Registry (CAIR2 and records received from the Healthy Futures Registry via data exchange) during the last five flu seasons. The San Diego Immunization Registry was integrated into CAIR2 in April 2022.


​Field No.​
Data Element​ Variable Name​ Data Element Description​ Value Set​​


​Recipient ID


​Unique ID for this recipient.



​Recipient date of birth​


​Recipient's date of birth.



​Recipient sex


​Recipient sex.

​HL7 User Defined Table 0001  
M (Male) 
F (Female) 
U (Unknown/


​Recipient race/ethnicity


​Recipient's race/ethnicity.

​When ethnicity is marked ‘Hispanic or Latino’ then ‘Latino’, when more than one specified race code (1002-5, 2028-9, 2076-8, 2054-5, 2106-3) is noted then ‘Multiracial’, otherwise first race is noted.  
Derived from original ethnicity and race codes: 
HL7 User Defined Table 0189 
2135-2 (Hispanic or Latino) 
2186-5 (Not Hispanic or Latino) 
PHC1175 (Prefer not to say) 
UNK (Unknown ethnicity) 
HL7 User Defined Table 0005 
1002-5 (American Indian or Alaska Native) 
2028-9 (Asian) 
2076-8 (Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander) 
2054-5 (Black or African American) 
2106-3 (White) 
2131-1 (Other Race) 
UNK (Unknown)​


​Administration date - dose 1 (most recent)


​Most recent (up to five) flu vaccine administration dates. ADMIN_DATE_1 = most recent flu vaccine administration date.



​Administration date - dose 2


​Most recent (up to five) flu vaccine administration dates. ADMIN_DATE_1 = most recent flu vaccine administration date.



​Administration date - dose 3


​Most recent (up to five) flu vaccine administration dates. ADMIN_DATE_1 = most recent flu vaccine administration date.



​Administration date - dose 4


​Most recent (up to five) flu vaccine administration dates. ADMIN_DATE_1 = most recent flu vaccine administration date.



​Administration date - dose 5


​Most recent (up to five) flu vaccine administration dates. ADMIN_DATE_1 = most recent flu vaccine administration date.



​​Vaccine product - dose 1


​The manufacturer name of vaccine received for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1 = most recent flu vaccination given.


​Vaccine product - dose 2


​The manufacturer name of vaccine received for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1 = most recent flu vaccination given.


​​Vaccine product - dose 3


​The manufacturer name of vaccine received for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1 = most recent flu vaccination given.


​Vaccine product - dose 4


​The manufacturer name of vaccine received for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1 = most recent flu vaccination given.


​Vaccine product - dose 5


​The manufacturer name of vaccine received for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1 = most recent flu vaccination given.


​CVX - dose 1


​The vaccine type that was administered for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1
_cvx = most recent flu vaccination given.

​CVX Codes


​CVX - dose 2


​The vaccine type that was administered for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1_cvx = most recent flu vaccination given.

CVX Codes


​CVX - dose 3


​The vaccine type that was administered for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1_cvx = most recent flu vaccination given. 

​CVX Codes


​CVX - dose 4


​The vaccine type that was administered for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1_cvx = most recent flu vaccination given. 

CVX Codes


​CVX - dose 5


​The vaccine type that was administered for the most recent (up to five) flu vaccinations. Vaccine_Product_1_cvx = most recent flu vaccination given.

CVX Codes


​Vaccine received - 2018-2019 flu season (MMWR)​


​​Received flu vaccine during 2018-2019 flu season, based on CDC MMWR weeks.​

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 09/30/2018-9/28/2019, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season. 


​​Vaccine received - 2019-2020 flu season (MMWR)


​​Received flu vaccine during 2019-2020 flu season, based on CDC MMWR weeks.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 09/29/2019-9/26/2020, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​​Vaccine received - 2020-2021 flu season (MMWR)


​​Received flu vaccine during 2020-2021 flu season, based on CDC MMWR weeks.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 09/27/2020-10/2/2021, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​​Vaccine received - 2021-2022 flu season (MMWR)


​​Received flu vaccine during 2021-2022 flu season, based on CDC MMWR weeks.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 10/3/2021-10/1/2022, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​Vaccine received - 2022-2023 flu season (MMWR)


​Received flu vaccine during 2022-2023 flu season, based on CDC MMWR weeks.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 10/2/2022-9/30/2023, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​Vaccine received - 2018-2019 flu season (Ordering)


​Received flu vaccine during 2018-2019 flu season, based on ordering. 

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 07/1/2018-6/30/2019, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​Vaccine received - 2019-2020 flu season (Ordering)


​Received flu vaccine during 2019-2020 flu season, based on ordering.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 07/1/2019-6/30/2020, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​​Vaccine received - 2020-2021 flu season (Ordering)


​​Received flu vaccine during 2020-2021 flu season, based on ordering.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 07/1/2020-6/30/2021, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​Vaccine received - 2021-2022 flu season (Ordering)


​Received flu vaccine during 2021-2022 flu season, based on ordering.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 07/1/2021-6/30/2022, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​Vaccine received - 2022-2023 flu season (Ordering)


​Received flu vaccine during 2022-2023 flu season, based on ordering.

Yes if flu vaccine administered during 07/1/2022-6/30/2023, and age >=9; if age < 9, child must have received either two doses >= 4 weeks apart during this time period or have received two flu vaccine doses prior to this season.


​​Recipient name: first


​Recipient's first name.



​​Recipient name: middle


​​Recipient's middle name.



​​Recipient name: last


​​Recipient's last name.



​Recipient age


​​Recipient’s age in years.



​​Recipient address: street


​The street component of the recipient's address.



​​Recipient address: street 2

The street 2 component of the recipient's address.​


​Recipient address: city​


​​The city component of the recipient's address.



​Recipient address: state


​​The state component of the recipient's address.



​​Recipient address: zip code


​​The zip code of the recipient's address (5 digit or 10 digits, with hyphen, are acceptable).



​Recipient county name


The county name component of the recipient's address.  

‘Outside California’ category includes out-of-state residents and records where recipient’s state of residence is blank.

​Derived from FIPs based on County_Code. When recip_address
_county is null, derived from recip_address_zip. 


​Responsible organization

The name of the parent organization or health system that originated and is accountable for the content of the record. If an organization has several clinics or facilities, this would be the organization that represents all of the clinics/facilities. (The "Administered at location" field is the name of individual physical location.)



​​​Administration address: county name


​The county component of where the vaccine is being administered/planned to be administered. Exception for mobile clinics. Derived from value recorded for most recent dose.

​Join with FIPs table based on County Code to get county name.


​Census tract - recipient address (2020)


​2020 census tract based on recipient address only.


​Census tract - recipient address (2010)


​2010 census tract based on recipient address only.


​​Census tract - administration address


​2010 census tract based on vaccinating provider's address only.​


​Administered at location


​The name of the physical clinic or facility that reported the vaccination, refusal, or missed appointment. In a small practice setting, this could be the same as the responsible organization.


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