The best way to prevent infections caused by animal bites is to prevent animal bites in the first place.
Learning how to safely interact with animals is an important way to prevent animal bites. Animals use body language to show their mood, and people should not interact with an animal that is displaying unwelcoming body language. People should also not
assume that all animals want to play or be petted. Parents and caregivers should supervise children, especially those 5 years old and younger, at all times when around animals, including their own pets.
Dog Bites
Most animal bites reported in the United States are from dogs. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that 4.5 million people in the U.S. are bitten by dogs each year. Children, especially those under 10 years old, are 2-3 times more likely than adults to be bitten by dogs. A dog may bite to keep people or other animals away if it feels scared, threatened, hurt, or wants to protect its puppies, food, or toys. Adults should teach children the simple ways to safely interact with dogs.