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DIVISIOn of Communicable disease controlā€‹

California Vaccine Management Systems (CA-VMS)

Maintenance & Operations (M&O) Request for Proposaā€‹l (Rā€‹ā€‹FP) Bidders' Library ā€‹

ā€‹Cal eProcure Event #: 0000027861ā€‹

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the California Department of Technology (CDT) are looking for support services to support the California Vaccine Management Systems. These systems comprise of three solutions, 1) myCAvax, 2) My Turn, and 3) Digital Vaccine Records (DVR).  The myCAvax system is a state-wide centralized solution for health care Providers to enroll in the California COVID-19 Vaccination Program. This system provides a platform to allocate, order, and distribute COVID-19 vaccines among local health jurisdictions. My Turn Clinic provides Clinic Managers (CMs) and Vaccine Administrators (VAs) the tooā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ls to manage vaccination clinics. The Digital Vaccine Records (DVR) is a system where individuals with any vaccine administered in California can download a digital copy of their vaccination record.

This solicitation is being conducted under PCC Section 6611, which provides the authority to use a competitive negotiation process when the State's business need or the purpose of procuremenā€‹t or contract is known, but negotiations required, ensuring the State receives the best value or the most cost-efficient goods, services, information technology, and telecommunications.

The Bidder's Library contains the following documentā€‹ā€‹ā€‹s which may help complete the application and answer questions:

ā€‹System Diagraā€‹ā€‹ms

If you have any questions, please access the Cal eProcā€‹ā€‹ure record and associated contacts using the provided event number.ā€‹

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