If you have COVID-19 symptoms, talk to a health care provider right away to explore your options for treatment. The COVID-19 Treatment site can guide you to a resource that will help you get the right care to prevent you from developing serious illness.
In individuals who are at high risk for severe disease, prescription COVID-19 treatments can prevent serious illness when started early. If you feel sick and are at high risk, act fast to test for COVID-19 and seek treatment options if you are eligible.
Healthcare providers should consider COVID-19 treatment in patients with mild or moderate symptoms. For those with one or more risk factors, treatments can improve patient outcomes, reduce stress on healthcare facilities, and even save lives.
If you need further clarification or have questions, comments, and concerns regarding CDPH COVID guidance, call (916) 558-1784 or submit an inquiry.
Call Your Local Public Health Department
COVID-19 call lines are available statewide.
If you are a member of the media, contact the Office of Communications:
Public Records Act Requests
To place a public records act request, visit the CDPH public records portal.