What is hantavirus pulmonary syndrome?
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is one kind of disease that can result from hantavirus infection. HPS is the main hantavirus disease of concern in the U.S. HPS is caused by the Sin Nombre virus, which is a specific type of hantavirus in the western U.S., including California. Although it is rare, HPS can be very serious and deadly. Symptoms of HPS are similar to other respiratory infections, including fever, headache, muscle aches, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms usually develop weeks after breathing in air contaminated by infected deer mice. There is no specific treatment or cure for HPS, and death is possible, but early medical care can increase the chance of survival.
If you have a fever, difficulty breathing, and have been exposed to rodents or rodent-contaminated materials, talk to a healthcare provider right away and tell them about your recent exposure to rodents (especially mice).