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immunization branch

Vaccine Confidence RFA FAQs

Table of Contents:

ā€‹Eligibility Questionsā€‹ā€‹

1.      Who is eligible to apply for these grants?
Applicants must have the capacity to fulfill the programmatic and administrative requirements of the grant and the ability to reach hard-to-reach target populations in their community. Applicants must provide evidence that they are a legal entity with a physical presence in California, licensed to do business in California. Applicants are encouraged to partner with other agencies or organizations to deliver any element of the proposed project, including providing vaccinations. Applicant and all partner entities must be in good standing with CDPH.

Examples of eligible entities include but are not limited to: Community-Based Organizations (CBOs); Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs); community or for-profit clinics; non-profit organizations; Multi-County Entities (MCEs); local educational agencies (LEAs); school districts; pharmacies; community groups structured as LLCs; fiscally-sponsored CBOs; refugee-serving organizations; hospitals; and independent providers that serve priority populations.

If you have a proposed entity structure and you are not sure of your eligibility, please send an email to:ā€‹ and we will evaluate your situation and respond. 

2.      What constitutes evidence of organizational eligibility?
The applicant and all partners and subgrantees must each provide evidence of their status as a current legal entity with a physical presence in California and a license to do business in California. Acceptable documents include: a current California Secretary of State certification; a California business license; an IRS 501(c)(3) letter showing a California address; or evidence of current insurance in California. Your document(s) should be submitted as a single PDF with your application, labeled as Attachment 7.

3.      What constitutes ā€œgood standingā€ with CDPH?
No applicant or any partner may have any prior letter of correction, written notice of breach, or inadequate performance on a current or previous contract or grant relationship with CDPH.

4.      Can an organization apply for more than one grant?
Yes, an organization may apply for the Hispanic, Latinx, and/or Immigrant Communities Grant (RFA 24-10229), the Adolescents Grant (RFA 24-10181), and the California Communities Grant (RFA 24-10180) but MAY NOT submit more than one application per grant.

If an organization wants to implement their project across multiple offices, that activity should be incorporated as a single project and application. If the offices are independent legal entities with their own evidence of organizational status and are proposing their own projects, they may each submit their own applications.

5.      Do organizations need to have nonprofit status to apply?
No, organizations do not need to have nonprofit status.

6.      May organizations work with a fiscal sponsor?
Yes, organizations may have partners for their project, assuming each meets the requirements for organizational eligibility.

7.      May 501c(4) organizations lead the application process or do they need a 501c(3) fiscal lead?
As nonprofits, 501c(4) organizations may serve as lead applicant, presuming they meet all other organizational requirements.

8.      Are projects targeting a priority population NOT living within Healthy Places Index Quartile I regions eligible for consideration?
Yes, priority populations living outside of HPI Quartile I regions are still eligible for consideration. Individuals living in Healthy Places Index Quartile I regions are only one of the possible priority populations for these grants.

9.      For the CA Communities grant, if we are applying as a rural entity, but are not selected as the rural entity, will we still be in consideration for funding? Do we need to submit two separate applications?
All compliant applications will be considered for the RFA indicated in the subject line of the email submission. For the CA Communities grant, CDPH will be awarding grant funds to a minimum of one rural-serving organization. CDPH may choose to fund more than one organization serving rural communities.

10.  Our organization provides services to Afghan refugees. Are we eligible to apply?
Yes, organizations serving refugees are eligible to apply.

Project Questions

11.  Where can I get information about the priority populations the grants should serve?
To assist you to locate relevant population information for your project development and to complete your application, CDPH IZB has compiled a supplementary document with information about possible priority populationsā€‹. Please note the list of populations identified in the Brief is not exhaustive.

12.  Does my project need to include services to provide COVID-19 vaccines?

Awardees are expected to increase vaccination rates within their target population by either providing or facilitating COVID-19 vaccination by referring project population members to an organization that does provide COVID-19 vaccinations.

13.  Can or should my project include services to provide vaccines other than COVID-19?
Administration and/or referrals for flu and RSV immunizations is preferred but not required. 

For the Adolescent RFA (24-10181) HPV vaccination is required in addition to COVID-19.

14.  How do we make referrals for vaccinations, and how should we document those successful referrals?
Different organizations will have different vaccination and referral capabilities. Referring to confirmed local sources of immunization is appropriate. Ideally, organizations can also verify that there are no barriers for the individuals being referred such as transportation or insurance. Applicants should propose how they will document referrals to vaccination services. Applicants are encouraged to establish a relationship with the organization(s) to which they will be referring and possibly develop a way to verify services provided to individuals referred through your project.

15.  How should applicants measure increased vaccine confidence?
That will depend on project activities. CDPH expects the applicant to determine how to measure success of their particular activities. Examples of metrics are included in the RFAs. The point of the metrics is for applicants to show that their project has achieved its intended goals.

16.  Is there a minimum population number for the area? A population number CDPH is requesting be met?
There is no minimum population number.

17.  If we have partnerships with healthcare providers, can we utilize their services to provide vaccine education sessions?

Application Submission Questions

18.  Where can I find important dates and deadlines for the RFAs?
The Time Schedule for each RFA is posted on its respective RFA webpage:
Key activity dates are subject to change, based on the number of applications received or other circumstances. The contract end date, June 30, 2025, is not subject to change.

19. What should I do if I am having problems downloading or using any of the application materials?

If you have issue with any of the materials, please email: with the subject line to reflect the grant you are applying for, either ā€œCA Communities RFA Question,ā€ ā€œAdolescent RFA Question,ā€ or ā€œHispanic/Latinx/Immigrant RFA Questionā€, and CDPH IZB will email copies of the materials to you directly.ā€‹

20.  What do I submit for my ā€œapplication?ā€
To apply for a vaccine confidence grant, you must complete and submit the following:
  • ā€‹Attachment 1: Application Checklist ā€“ Identifies all application submission requirements. (Required; download fillable PDF from the RFA webpage and check off submission contents) 
  • Attachment 2: Application Cover Sheet ā€“ Identifies key applicant contact information and must be signed by an official authorized to enter into a grant agreement on behalf of the EE. (Required; download fillable PDF from the RFA webpage and complete form) 
  • Attachment 3: Project Synopsis ā€“ For applicant to provide a one-page synopsis that summarizes the key elements of the project. Project Synopsis should include applicant name, total amount requested, a list of partner organizations (if applicable), and a project description which includes population and geographic region served, project activities, and how project will achieve objectives. (Required; download fillable PDF from the RFA webpage and enter the project synopsis)
  • Attachment 4: Budget Form Template ā€“ For applicant to provide and explain their proposed project budget and the total amount requested. (Required; download the MS Word document from the RFA webpage, complete form, and convert completed form to PDF)
  • Attachment 5: Application Narrative ā€“Prompts for applicants to describe and explain their organization and project. (Required; download the PDF form, copy all prompts into a MS Word document, complete your narrative, and convert the completed narrative to PDF)
  • Project Workplan and Timeline ā€“ Draft a workplan and estimated project timeline and submit along with your application. Submit this item as Attachment 6. (Required; create using the tool of your choice and convert to PDF)
  • Organization Certification ā€“ Submit evidence that your organization is qualified to do business in and has a physical presence in California. Examples include: a current California Secretary of State certification, a California business license, an IRS 501(c)(3) letter showing a California address, or evidence of current insurance in California for each entity. Submit this item as Attachment 7. (Required; compile ALL certifications into a single PDF)
  • Letters of Support ā€“ Include letters of support from project partners and/or referral entities, if applicable. Submit this item as Attachment 8. (Required, only if applicable; compile ALL letters into a single PDF) 
For an application to be considered complete, all required attachments (Attachments 1 ā€“ 7), must be included in your submission. If the proposed project includes any partners, Attachment 8 must also be included in your submission, with a letter from each partner. Each Attachment must be submitted as a separate PDF file in a single email submission. Your submission will be a total of 7 or 8 PDF files, which you may send compressed or zipped, if desired.

21.  How should I submit my application files?
Submit your application files as a single email submission to: with the subject line to reflect the grant you are applying for, either ā€œCA Communities RFA Application,ā€ ā€œAdolescent RFA Application,ā€ or ā€œHispanic/Latinx/Immigrant RFA Applicationā€ as applicable by the deadline identified in the RFA Time Schedule for the respective RFA.

22.  How should I name my application files?
Save each file using the following naming convention:
ā€œRFA_#_Attachment_ #_Applicant_Nameā€
where Applicant Name is the full legal name as entered in the attachments as the Applicant Name. Please replace any spaces with the underscore ā€œ_ā€ character.

For example, if the licensed name of an agency is ā€œTrinity Community Healthcare Center Inc.,ā€ all documents must include that full name and not a shortened version such as ā€œTrinity Health.ā€ Attachment 1 would have this name:

23.  What could cause my application to be rejected?
CDPH IZB reserves the right to reject any or all applications without remedy to the applicants. CDPH may, at its sole discretion, correct any obvious mathematical or clerical errors in any application. There is no guarantee that any grants will be awarded after the evaluation of all applications if, in the opinion of CDPH, none of the applications meets Californiaā€™s needs.

Circumstances that will cause an application package to be deemed non-responsive include: 
  • ā€‹The application is received after the deadline set forth in the RFA Time Schedule.
  • Failure to complete required forms and attachments as instructed in this RFA or as instructed in the attachments. 
  • Failure to meet format or procedural submission requirements.
  • Inaccurate, false, or misleading information or statements.
  • Failure of the applicant to meet the EE qualifications set forth in the RFA.

Attachment 3 Project Synopsis Questions

24.  What information needs to be included in my one-page project synopsis as Attachment 3?
The project synopsis is an at-a-glance document for CDPH IZB leadership in reviewing applications and associated scores from the evaluation team. The synopsis should include the following:
  • ā€‹Applicant Name
  • Total Amount Requested
  • List of partner organizations (if applicable)
  • Project description that includes population and geographic region served, summary of project activities and timeline, plan for achieving and measuring objectives, and explanation of any planned partnerships.

Attachment 4 Budget Form Questions

25.  Do I need to provide a narrative description with my Attachment 4 Budget Form?
No, you do not need to provide a narrative description with Attachment 4, but your budget must align with the activities you describe in your Attachment 5 Narrative.

26.  May funds be used for paid media purchases such as billboards?
Vaccine Confidence Grant funds do not allow for the purchase of paid media which includes billboards and some of the paid features of social media use. For expenses that are not allowable under the grant conditions, organizations are suggested to locate alternate fund sources to allow the organization to conduct whatever work and outreach best meets the needs of your community.

27.  Are indirect costs allowed? If so, is there a maximum allowed rate?
Yes, indirect or overhead costs are allowed. The maximum allowed rate is 25%.

Attachment 5 Application Narrative Questions

28.  Does it matter what order we provide our responses in the Narrative of Attachment 5?
We recognize that the categories and prompts provided in Attachment 5 may not align perfectly with your best presentation of your project information. Feel free to reorganize your response for better flow of your information. To best ensure reviewers can easily locate your responses associated with the scoring categories the following organization is suggested, with points allocation identified for each subsection:
A.     Priority Populations and Communities (25 points)
  • ā€‹Identify and describe your priority population(s), community, and priority group(s), including the estimated number of beneficiaries. Explain why you have selected this population for your project and how they will benefit from the proposed activities. Provide statistical evidence, if available, to support your selection. 
  • Describe your organizationā€™s experience working with this population. Explain how you have gained trust with this population in the past, or plan to with this project.
  • Identify the issues that most impact vaccine confidence in your priority population and how your activities will improve vaccine confidence and promote vaccination to your priority population. 
B.      Community Engagement and Outreach (50 points)
  • ā€‹Tell us about your proposed project. Describe your approach and the activities you will undertake to meet the project objectives. These activities must align with your project workplan, timeline, and budget. Identify any deliverables you expect to produce during your project activities.
  • Describe how your approach employs evidence-based practices, utilizes best-practices, or incorporates any innovative approach(es). If using an innovative approach, describe why this strategy has potential to be impactful for your identified target population. 
  • Identify any other diseases, and associated activities, in addition to COVID-19, that your project will address, and why you have selected these diseases for outreach and/or vaccination. 
  • Explain how your project fills a gap in your service area and meet this communityā€™s needs. Identify and describe any secondary benefits your project might provide. 
  • Describe how your project provides services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate.
  • Describe how your project will incorporate the priority population in project planning, design, and/or execution, if applicable. 
C.      Capacity (15 points for CA Communities and Latinx grants; 10 points for Adolescents grants):
  • Describe your organization, the population(s) you serve, and the services you provide. Include details such as the size of your organization, your length in time in business, your mission, and any other information that will help us better understand your organization. 
  • Identify and explain the role of any organizations you plan to partner with to accomplish project objectives. Explain why you selected the organization(s) you did.
  • Describe how your organization and your partners, if applicable, are ideally suited to deliver your proposed project. 
D.     Program Monitoring and Evaluation (5 points)
  • ā€‹Describe your anticipated processes for data collection and routine monitoring of your project activities. Identify performance measures you will use to measure impact and show the effectiveness of your project.
E.      Linkage or Referral to Services (5 points for CA Communities and Latinx grants; 10 points for Adolescents grants: 5 points each for COVID-19 and HPV)
  • If your project will provide direct vaccination services, describe your organizationā€™s experience providing the vaccines your project proposes to deliver. If you do not yet have experience or sufficient staff, describe how funding will build organizational capacity to provide identified vaccinations. 
  • If your project will provide vaccine referrals, please describe your plan for referrals, including any referral entities and any experience you have collaborating with them.

29.  May applicants use images, graphs, etc., to help illustrate and convey their narrative?
Applicants may include whatever they desire to best present their project in the narrative, but the total length must be no more than 15 pages.

30.  What are the formatting requirements for Attachment 5 ā€“ Application Narrative?
  • ā€‹Calibri font, size 12
  • 1" margins on all sides
  • 1.5 spacing
  • Header includes ā€œAttachment 5: Application Narrativeā€ and Applicant Name
  • Footer includes Page #
31.  Are letters of recommendation part of the 15-page limit or is the page limit for the entire application?
Neither. The 15-page limit applies only to Attachment 5 ā€“ Application Narrative. Letters of support will be provided as Attachment 8.

Attachment 6 Project Workplan and Timeline Questions

32.  What do I need to include for my Project Workplan and Timeline in Attachment 6?
The workplan must include a preliminary workplan that shows project tasks with start and end dates that assume a project completion date of June 30, 2025. Include key project milestones, which are project checkpoints that demonstrate progress either via deliverables, completion of key tasks, or achievement of activity outcomes. This document does not need to include narrative description of the workplan but must align with the project activities identified in your narrative. Those details should be provided in Attachment 5 ā€“ Application Narrative. Your workplan may be created in any product you choose (e.g., Microsoft Project, Excel, Word), but must be submitted with your application as a separate PDF, labeled as Attachment 6.
33. For project planning purposes, what start date should we assume for our Workplan and timeline? 
You may assume a start date of November 1 or later for your Draft Workplan. The exact start date will depend on the actual Notice of Intent to Award and the length of time it takes to execute the grant contracts. We will work with Awardees to finalize their Workplan with actual dates after contract execution. Projects must be complete by June 30, 2025. ā€‹

Attachment 8 Letters of Support Questions

34.  What details must be included in the letter of support from collaborators for Attachment 8?
The purpose of the letter is to demonstrate that anyone you are including as a partner is aware that they are included in the project and what their role on the project will be or what activities they will perform.

Application Evaluation and Selection for Award Questions

35.  What will the application review process entail?
Following the closing date for application submissions, CDPH IZB will evaluate each application for compliance with RFA submission requirements. Late applications will not be reviewed.

Applications that meet the submission compliance requirements will be considered responsive and will be submitted to an evaluation team convened by CDPH IZB. Note that CDPH may reject any or all applications and may waive any immaterial defect in any application.
The evaluation team will review each responsive application and assign numeric scores based on how well the application meets the RFA objectives and priorities, the reasonableness of the proposed workplan and budget, and the apparent ability of the organization and its partners to execute the project successfully. The team will use a standardized rubric to ensure consistent scoring across all applications.
The evaluation results will be provided to CDPH IZB leadership, who will make final decisions on the best combination of selected projects and award amounts. A higher score does not guarantee selection over a lower score.

36.  What does it mean for my application submission to be compliant and responsive?
Applicants are responsible for ensuring their applications are compliant:
(1)   Applications must be received by CDPH by the date and time indicated in the RFA Time Schedule.
(2)   All required attachments must be submitted complete, in the correct format (PDF), with the correct content.
(3)   Applications must be submitted in a single submission with individual PDF attachments that are named using the required naming convention.
(4)   Text for Attachment 3: Project Synopsis, Attachment 4: Budget Form, and Attachment 5: Narrative must be in Calibri font size 12, with 1ā€ margins on all side, with 1.5 spacing.
(5)   Applicant and all partners must be in good standing with CDPH.

37.  How will applications be selected for award?
Each of the three RFAs has a specific focus and a flexible pool of funds for award. The overall objectives of all three are to increase vaccine confidence and increase vaccination rates in priority communities by providing vaccines or referring for vaccines. The CDPH IZB leaders will review the project synopses, evaluation scores, and project applications to make final decisions on the ideal combination of projects and award amounts to best meet all RFA objectives. A higher score does not guarantee selection over a lower score.

38.  Is the Scoring Rubric available for applicants to view?
No, the scoring rubrics are for internal use only and will not be made available to applicants. As the RFA states, higher scores do not guarantee selection for award. Applicants should develop well-planned projects that meet the RFA objectives and submit applications that respond to all required elements and clearly and succinctly convey the applicantā€™s intent in all areas.

Grant Funding Questions

39.  What if I want to apply for more or less than the $306,000 amount stated?
Each RFA has a stated maximum grant award. Organizations are invited to apply for any amount up to the stated maximum. Organizations may apply for a lower amount to implement their project but may not exceed the stated maximum. The maximum grant awards available are:
  • Increasing Vaccine Confidence Among California Communities (RFA #24-10180): $306,000.
  • Increasing Vaccine Confidence Among California Adolescents (RFA #24-10180): $25,000.
  • Increasing Vaccine Confidence Among Hispanic, Latinx, and/or Immigrant Communities (RFA #24-10229): $200,000

40.  How will we know if our project is selected for award?
Applicants will be notified directly of the status of their application by the date identified in the RFA Time Schedule for the respective RFA.

41.  How will the grant funds be disbursed?
These grants will be cost-reimbursable awards, which requires applicants to submit project progress reports and invoices with receipts to CDPH for reimbursement after actual costs are incurred for project expenses.

42.  What if my organization cannot afford to incur expenses up front?
If the cost reimbursement model may pose a hardship for your organization but you still want to apply, emailā€‹ and explain your organizationā€™s situation.

43.  Is there a possibility for any advance payment?

Is it possible. Organizations for whom a reimbursement style grant is problematic should explain their situation in detail in their application. CDPH will confirm if there are opportunities for an advancement. 

44. How often will funded applicants need to submit invoices, and how long will it take to receive payment?
Funded organizations will submit invoices monthly. Reimbursement times can vary.

45.  If my project is selected for award, what administrative responsibilities should I expect?
If selected for award, grantees will meet with CDPH early in the project to finalize the draft budget and workplan. During the project, grantees will provide progress reports with invoices for reimbursement requests at agreed-upon intervals to CDPH. At the end of the grant period, grantees will submit a final report summarizing project activities, achievement of project objectives, and lessons learned.

46.  Is it possible to applicants to be granted less than the amount requested?
Yes. Organizations may be selected but granted less than requested.

Allowable and Not-Allowable Expenses

47.  Can funds be used to support clinical workers (i.e., nurses for vaccinations)?
Personnel, including compensation/salary is an allowable expense.

48.  Can funds be used to hire consultants?
Yes, consultants are considered partners, and they are eligible as long as they meet the organizational requirements.

49.  If we have broadcast partners (internet radio) to host webinars etc., is that considered advertisement?
Paying for "webinar platforms" would be an allowable expense. Media buys is what is truly not allowable.

50.  Can we use the funds to create and implement community gatherings (such as picnics, concerts, workshops, etc.) during which we talk about the importance of vaccination and provide a booth where people can receive vaccines and/or ask questions?
Yes, that would be an acceptable outreach and education activity. 
51. Are we able to use grant funds to purchase incentives/gift cards or answer a survey? 
No, grant funds may not be used to purchase incentives or gift cards. ā€‹

52. Can CDPH provide a list of allowable and non-allowable expenses?

ā€‹The following are ā€‹non-allowable expenses:ā€‹

  • NO vaccine purchasing. 
  • NO incentives or promotional materials (e.g., gift cards, plaques, clothing, and giveaways such as pens, mugs/cups, folders/folios, lanyards, magnets, conference bags, etc.) 
  • NO advertising (e.g., NO billboards, social media buys,ā€Ædisplays, exhibits, etc.)ā€‹ 
  • NO food/meals (unless part of required travel per diemā€Æcosts)ā€‹ 
  • NO entertainment or fundraising costsā€‹ 
  • NO honoraria or independent researchā€Æā€‹ 
  • NO land, building, or vehicle purchasingā€‹ 
  • NO alcoholic beverages 
  • NO construction or capital improvements 
  • NO non-immunization medical services  
  • NO goods/services for personal use 
  • NO legislative/lobbying activities 
  • NO debt payment 


The following expenses are allowable (please note this list is not exhaustive): 

  • Indirect (overhead) costs (up to 25% of grant funds requested) 
  • Personnel (e.g., salary/wages, fringe benefits, travel, indirect expenses)ā€‹ 
  • Equipment (e.g., fax machines for vaccine ordering, copiers/printers, computers, laptops, tablets,ā€Æpagers, cell phones, other office supplies)ā€‹ 
  • Program and software purchases/upgrades (e.g., needed EHR upgrades to document VFC/VFA eligibility or connect with the California Immunization Registry)ā€‹ 
  • Travel expenses to state/local/regional conferences & ad-hocā€Æmeeting (includes mileage) 
  • State/local conferences (e.g., conference site, materials, hotelā€Æaccommodations, speaker fees) NO food/meals.ā€Æā€‹
  • Vaccine administration, storage and shipping supplies (e.g., syringes for emergency vaccination clinics, digital data loggers with a valid certification of calibration, vaccine storageā€Æequipment for VFC/VFA vaccines, vaccine shipping supplies)ā€‹ 
  • Vaccine-preventable disease testing supplies (e.g., nasal pharyngeal swabs) 
  • Laboratory services & supplies (e.g., PCRs & influenza cultures)ā€‹ 
  • Pink/red/yellow books 
  • Stipend reimbursements 
  • Translations for materials 
  • Training costs for staff, providers, community health workers, promotores, etc. 
  • VFC enrollment materials & provider feedback surveys 
  • Miscellaneous costs (e.g., accounting services, audit services, room rentals, equipment rentals for committee meetings, consumer information activities, data processing,  local service delivery activities, maintenance operation/repairs, malpractice insurance for volunteers, memberships/subscriptions, public relations, professional service costs, shipping materials.) 

General Questionsā€‹

53.  What is meant by vaccine confidence? Are there defining characteristics?
Vaccine confidence refers to people's trust in vaccination as a disease prevention strategy as well as their intention to get vaccinated and their beliefs and perceptions around vaccination. Per the CDC, strong confidence in vaccines within communities leads to more persons being vaccination, and fewer vaccine-preventable illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths.

54.  Why is there a deadline for submitting written questions? May I submit questions after the deadline?
CDPH IZB plans to release a published FAQ with responses to all questions asked. Potential applicants may submit questions at any time, but only those received the deadline indicated in the RFA Time Schedule are guaranteed to be answered and published in the FAQ. Should questions arise after the deadline that CDPH IZB determines are necessary to ensure responsive applications, the FAQ may be updated and re-published. Everyone on the email distribution list will receive notification when FAQs are published or updated.

55.  How do I get on the email distribution list for an RFA?
If you received the RFA announcement direction from CDPH IZB, you are already on the distribution list. If the announcement or the links to the RFA materials were forwarded to you from another source, please submit an email to: email ā€‹and request to be added to the distribution list.

56.  I wasnā€™t able to attend the Information Session, is there a recording I can watch?
No, there is not a recording available for later review.ā€‹
Questions asked at registration and during the Information Session have been addressed in this FAQ.ā€‹ā€‹

57. My organization is in one of the fire zones recently declared as an emergency. Are there any accommodations for submitting an application after the due date of September 20? 
The deadline for submission for all applicants has been extended to September 26. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange and Riverside counties.ā€ÆIf your organization is currently affected by the fires, and you need certain additional accommodations beyond September 26, please contact us. 
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