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Immunization Reporting FAQs

ā€‹1. Who needs tā€‹o report?

All schools, public and private, with grades TK/Kindergarten or 7th are required to report. 

ā€‹ā€‹For private preschoolsā€‹, please report using your California Department of Social Services (CDSS) child care center preschool facility (license) numberā€Æbecause the report reflects the immunization status of children ages 2ā€“5 years.ā€ÆFacilitiesā€Æ(PDF)ā€Æwith only a Family Home Care, Infant Centers, School-Age Centers, and Single License (for 2024-2025) are to review the immunization status of their students but do not need to report.ā€‹ ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

For public preschools, please see the California Department of Education (CDE) CA School Directory to look up the school code. See FAQ 4 for more detailsā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

2. Hoā€‹w do I sign up to reā€‹ā€‹port for my facility or school?

Please go to the CAIR Hub homepage and follow instructions for registration. You will need to register for a CAIR Hub account, set up a user profile, and will then be able to see the Immunization Reporting application on your dashboard whenever you log in (SCRLā€‹ā€‹ users can use their existing CAIR Hub log in information). 

cair hub homepage screenshot  

Click on the ā€œEnter Siteā€‹ā€ button on the Immunization Reporting application.
ā€‹Immunization Reporting Enter Site Window
start reporting windowā€‹ā€‹

3. Do I need my facility number/ā€‹school code to report and how do I find it?

Not necessarily.ā€ÆThe new reporting site allows you to search for a facility/school in different ways. If you do not know the school code or facility number, select the county in which the school/facility is located from the Select County field dropdown list. AND, either enter part orā€Æall of the school/facility name in the Enter Name field and/or enter part or all ofā€Æthe address of the school/facility in the Enter Address field.ā€ÆThen click on the magnifying glass search iconā€Æor press the ā€œEnterā€ key.ā€ÆIt may help to use fewer search variables if you do not see your facility/school at first, and then filter the results. 

For private preschools, the facility number is your 9-digit Child Care/ Preschool Facility number from CDSS.  

For public preschools, please see theā€ÆCA School Directoryā€Æto look up the school code and check FAQ 4ā€‹ā€‹.ā€Æ 

For schools with grades TK/K or 7th, educational agencies are assigned a 14-digitā€Æcounty-district-school (CDS) codeā€Æby the CDE. Your school code is the last 7 digits of the 14-digit CDS code.

4. What if I have both a CDEā€‹ and a CDSS code?

If you are a public preschool and have both a CDE and CDSS code, you will need to login and assign both the preschool and school to your account if they arenā€™t already.ā€ÆYou can check using your CDE code (last 7 digits) whether you have a preschool associated with it by assigning the school in the reporting site and then seeing if the Pre-K cohort is listed.ā€Æ 

Students should not be reported on twice. You will need to submit a report for all students in one cohort under only one facility/code, and then report the other facility/code as closed for the year using the dropdown menu. If you do not report for both facilities, one of your facilities may be counted as delinquent. ā€‹

total enrollment screenshot  

5. Where do I update facility/school informationā€‹?

Facility/school information, such as the administrative email address, can only be edited by child care facilities and schools throughā€ÆCDSSā€Æandā€ÆCDE respectively. Please verify facility/school information through the CDSS Care Facility Search or the CDE CA ā€‹School Directory. Public schools/preschools updates should be submitted to the CDE through the Online Public Update for Schools (OPUS) application. Private schools can submit an updated Private ā€‹School Affidavit to the CDE. Our system refreshes updates from CDSS and CDE every week up to two weeks before the reporting deadline.  

Designated contacts and additional school email can be updated through the reporting site. You do not have to complete the report at the same time. Please note these changes are not sent to CDSS and CDE by our reporting site.  ā€‹

6. How do I update contact information and receive reporting communications? 

Only registered users can edit contacts for immunization reporting and receive reporting communications. CDPH uses the contacts in the Immunization Reporting application to send communications. You can also check  Shots for School ( for any updates. ā€‹

7. Why is my school or child care/preschool missing? 

If your preschool is licensed through CDSS as a ā€œChild Care Center Preschool/Day Care Center" or school is registered through CDE as serving grades required for reporting, you should be able to find your facility/school in the reporting site.ā€ÆFor private preschools, you can confirm your license status by checking CDSSā€ÆSearch for a Licensed Facility. For schools and public preschools, you can confirm your school is in active status and which grades are served/offered by checking theā€ÆCalifornia School Directory (CA Dept of Education).ā€ÆFor corrections, public preschools/schools should have their district CDS coordinator submit updates to the CDE via the OPUS application and private schools should submit an updated Private School Affidavit to the CDE ā€Æ-- please check the reporting site then to see if your school/preschool is listed.ā€‹ 

8. Why do I keep getting logged out, or why is my school/facility search not working?

The following technical troubleshooting tips may help: use Chrome or Edge browser; clear your cache and cookies; and/or enable cookies in your browser settings.ā€‹

9. What do I do if my school/facility is closed, does not have students in that grade/age group, or is a homeschool with less than 6 students this reporting season? 

Facilities/schools appear in our reporting site if they are registered through CDSS or CDE as serving students those ages or grades. If you are contacted to report but do not have students those ages or grades, please login to submit the reason why.  Submit updates toā€ÆCDSSā€Æorā€ÆCDEā€Æto change your grade span, enrollment numbers, or to be permanently removed from the directory. Homeschools with less than 6 students this year should enter 0 and select ā€œClosed.ā€ ā€‹

total enrollment screenshot  

10. How do I know you received my submission? 

When you submit a report, school contacts will receive a confirmation email. You can also check you submitted your report by logging back into the reporting site. Look for a green Completed icon next to the facility/school under report status on your assigned schools/facilities list.

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11.Who will receive email notifications when reports are submitted?ā€‹ā€‹

When a user submits or edits a report, a confirmation email will be sent to:

  • staff that have the school/facility assigned to them,
  • staff that submitted the report, 
  • school/facilityā€™s Administrator, and  
  • school/facilityā€™s Designated Contact(s)ā€‹

12. How do I correct a mistake I made on my submitted report or update the immunization status of students? 

Changes can be made up until reporting closes. Log in again, select the school from your assigned list of schools, click Edit, update your information, and click Submit Report.ā€‹ā€‹

Page Last Updated : December 10, 2024