The Viral Hepatitis Prevention works in partnership with local, state and national health officials, community-based organizations, service providers, and individuals to reduce the effects of viral hepatitis (e.g., hepatitis A, B and C) in California. This page provides viral hepatitis prevention information and resources. This web site and the information it contains are provided as a public service by the State of California. CDPH does not endorse, support, sponsor, or approve the products or services of other parties that contain this web site as a link or parties to which this web site links. We do not control or maintain the material presented by other persons on their web sites.
Centers for Disease Control - Viral Hepatitis
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
GetTested (CDC)
Find free HIV, STD, and viral hepatitis testing and hepatitis A/B vaccination services nationwide
Viral Hepatitis Resources
California Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Data
Infographic: Hepatitis C and Opioid Use Rates Among Young Adults in California (PDF)
Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care Demonstration Projects, California-2016-2018, Evaluation Report (PDF)
The Health Consumer Alliance: Helping Californians get the health care they need
Health Care Reform Information for California
Informacion sobre Cuidado de Salud en California (EspaƱol)
About OVHP
Contact OVHP
Ending the Epidemics: Addressing HIV, Hepatitis C, and STIs in California - Integrated Statewide Strategic Plan Overview, 2022-2026 (PDF)
CDPH Dear Colleague Letter - Assembly Bill (AB) 789 (March, 2022) (PDF)āāā
Issue Brief: Hepatitis C Treatment in Unique Populations (PDF)
Viral Hepatitis Testing, Vaccination, Prevention, Reporting, and Treatment Guidelines
Viral Hepatitis Guide for Primary Care Providers (CDPH, August 2023) (PDF)
Hepatitis C Online Course (University of Washington)
Viral Hepatitis Training
Hepatitis C Testing in Non-Healthcare Settings
Forms, Regulations & Statutes
STD and Hepatitis C CalREDIE Resources
CDC Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Case Management: Guidance for State, Territorial, and Local Health Departments