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Most STIs are easy to treat, and testing is fast and easy.

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Take charge of your sexual health!

Your sexual health is an important part of your overall health. Taking charge of your sexual health is simple and can help you avoid serious health issues in the future. If youā€™re having sex, you should establish a sexual health routine that consists of screening, testing, vaccination, and regular visits with your health care provider. Your sexual health routine will provide peace of mind while protecting you and your community.ā€‹

Testing swab

Testing & Treatment

Most people who have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) donā€™t have symptoms, so itā€™s important to get tested regularly so you can catch and treat infections early, and not pass them on to others.ā€‹

Person with bandaid


Vaccines (also called immunizations) are the most effective way to prevent certain sexually transmitted infections (like HPV, mpox, or hepatitis A and B), and are available to you at little or no cost.


Talk to your provider

Itā€™s important to have an honest and open conversation with a health care provider about your sexual history, sexual partners, and sexual practices so they can recommend the right vaccinations, testing, and screening schedule for you.

People laying in bed

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

STIs, also known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are common and in most cases easy to treat when caught early. Many STIs are curable. Hereā€™s everything you need to know about the most common STIs so you can keep yourself and your partners safe.

Pregnant mom

People who are or can become pregnant

Protecting yourself protects your future children from infections.

Two men laying down

Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)

Protecting yourself protects your community from STIs.

Group of young adults

Youth and young adults

Protect yourself and your partners and help stop the spread of STIs.

Medication bottle

Most STIs are treatable or curable

STIs that are left untreated can cause serious health issues and be spread to your sex partners, so the sooner you get treatment the better. Many STIs are curable with a single dose of antibiotics, while others may involve ongoing treatment.



Condoms are still one of the most effective ways to prevent STIs. Learn more about how to use condoms correctly and where to find them near you.

Doxy PEP Pills

Doxy PEP

Doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP) is taking an antibiotic called doxycycline to help prevent the bacterial STIs chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. 


Real Talk

In this documentary-style series, David and Ty share their real-life experiences with sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They talk about the importance of proactive testing, treatment, and vaccination.




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