This All-County Letter (ACL) serves as an update regarding the process for customers to request fetal death records.
Due to the implementation of Electronic Birth Registration System 2.0 (EBRS 2.0):
- Counties no longer have access to fetal death records registered prior to June 24, 2023, through the Fetal Death Registration System (FDRS), and
- The Vital Records Image Redaction and Statewide Access (VRIRSA) does not have an option to request fetal death records at this time.
All requests for fetal death records registered prior to June 24, 2023, should be forwarded to the state for expedited processing.
Customers should send their requests for a fetal death record directly to CDPH-VR with “Attention: Fred” on the front of the mailing envelope to help identify the request. These requests will be given priority processing to minimize any delay caused by this issue.
For urgent fetal death requests, counties may call CDPH-VR, Quality Assurance and Production Section (QAPS) at (916) 552-8116 to request the fetal death record. QAPS will then send the fetal death record via secure email. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact CDPH-VR, Quality Assurance and Production Section at (916) 552-8116.
Original signed by:
Dana E. Moore, MPH, CPH
State Registrar/Deputy Director/Chief Data Officer
Center for Health Statistics and Informatics
VS12 and VS13E Applications for Certified Copies of Fetal Death and Still Birth
CDPH Vital Records, MS 5103 ● P.O. Box 997410 ● Sacramento, CA 95899-7410
(916) 552-8116 ● (916) 552-8170 FAX
Internet Address: