Skip Navigation LinksCLPP_Funding_FYs-2023-2026 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Funding Allocations for Fiscal Years 2023-2026 - August 3, 2022

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State of Californiaā€”Health and Human Services Agency
California Department of Public Health


Health Officers, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Coordinators, Directors of Environmental Health
Childhood lead Poisoning Prevention Program Funding Allocations for Fiscal Years 2023ā€“2026


This program letter relays the funding allocation available to California local health jurisdictions (LHJs) for administering a local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) for state fiscal years (FYs) 2023ā€“2026.

The LHJ funding allocation is determined based on the following factors:

  • The number of children with blood lead levels (BLLs):
    • meeting state case criteria
    • meeting potential state case criteria 
    • at or above 4.5 mcg/dL not included above
  • The number of Medi-Cal children under six years of age
  • The number of young children in pre-1950 and pre-1980 housings


To further the success of the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (CLPP) Programā€”ā€‹comprised of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch (CLPPB) and contracted local CLPPPsā€”the Scope of Work (SOW) template has been updated for alignment with the CLPP Program Strategic Plan, which was developed in collaboration with CLPPPs to strengthen the Program's actions toward achieving its vision and mission.

On October 28, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a change in its blood lead reference value (BLRV) from ā‰„ 5 mcg/dL to ā‰„ 3.5 mcg/dL. The CLPP Program will implement the new BLRV of 3.5 mcg/dL for the FYs 2023ā€“2026 contract cycle.

LHJ funding allocations have been increased to support the initial implementation of the new BLRV and the CLPP Program Strategic Plan.


The CLPP Fund allocation for standard services for [name of LHJ] is [amount] per FY.


Total allocation for LHJ = $Total amount of funds for all of California x Overall Fraction for LHJ

Overall fraction for LHJ  =

ā€‹ā€‹1/4(Total # Medi-Cal eligible children < 6 years in LHJ)/CA total)

+ 1/4 [(2/3(# children < 6 in pre-1960 housing in LHJ)/CA total+1/3(# children living in 1960-1979 housing in LHJ )/CA total]
+ 1/2 [0.6(# new full cases) in 2019 in LHJ /CA total) + 0.3(# children who are not new full cases but who have BLLs 9.5 and greater in 2019 in LHJ/CA total) +0.1(# children w/ BLLs 4.5-9.4 in 2019 in LHJ)/CA total)]


  • To maximize LHJ funding, data from pandemic years were not used due to pandemic impacts on blood lead testing.
  • All LHJs will receive funding based on the above criteria. LHJs without cases will receive at least $67,000 to support lead poisoning prevention work.
  • The total allocation does not include the XRF loan program funding.

Funding Level

Each LHJ has been assigned a funding level (i.e., Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3) based on their allocation amount as dedermined by the funding factors described above. The breadth and depth of SOW activities will vary by funding level, with Funding Level 3 CLPPPs among the highest-funded with the most SOW requirements. Refer to the SOW template for the specific activity requirements for each funding level. Your LHJ funding level is:

Funding Level [X]

Funding Category Descriptions and Associated Services

All funding categories and associated services are described below.

Standard Services: Funding Levels 1, 2, & 3 (All CLPPPs)

Funds are available for primary and secondary prevention activities including case management and environmental services; outreach activities targeting lead poisoning prevention and blood lead screening of all children at risk for lead exposure; increasing the number of children screened with a blood lead test, identified with lead poisoning, and referred for case management; and identifying lead hazards that are sources of exposure for children. All CLPPPs receiving funding are required to provide standard services commensurate with their funding level designation (i.e., Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3) as described in the SOW template. 

Medi-Cal Federal Financial Participation (FFP) Matching Funds

The Medi-Cal Lead Program is a federal match program under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. The LHJ allocation may be augmented with Medi-Cal FFP matching funds. The Medi-Cal match applies to case management activities that meet the Medi-Cal case definition and Medi-Cal Administrative Activities. If the LHJ's Medi-Cal expenditures exceed the FFP amount upon invoicing, the LHJ's CLPP funds will supplement the cost.           

XRF Loan Program

CLPPPs participating in the XRF loan program will have an XRF available for environmental investigations, receive training related to the use of an XRF, and will receive funding required for XRF maintenance and supplies.

Key Dates

Below are key dates for the CDPH CLPPB contracting process and associated training.

TrainingAugust 17, 2022
Program Letter ReleaseAugust 3, 2022
RFA ReleaseLate August/Early September 2022*
Application Proposal Due to CDPH CLPPBSeptember 23ā€“October 9, 2022*
CDPH CLPPB Feedback on Application Proposal Due to CLPP ProgramsOctober 21ā€“November 11, 2022*
CLPP Program Application Revisions Due to CDPH CLPPBFebruary 3ā€“10, 2023*
Contract Start DateJuly 1, 2023

* Timeline is tentative; CLPPB will inform LHJs of firm deadline.

Application Submission Process

Submit one (1) copy of the application proposal by email to:

Thank you for your support in the prevention, detection, and management of ā€‹lead-exposed children.


Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon, MS, Branch Chief


ā€‹Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch

 Funding Allocations to California Local Health Jurisdictions

Fiscal Years 2023ā€“26


The program letter above was provided to each local health jurisdiction and contained the amount of their base allocation. The table below shows either the base allocation offered to the local health jurisdiction or the amount that was provided through a contract with the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch. ā€‹ā€‹For questions about local health jurisdiction allocations or contracting, please contact    


ā€‹Local Health JurisdictionTotal AllocationLocal Health Jurisdiction
Total AllocationLocal Health JurisdictionTotal Allocation
Alameda$5,233,489Madera$1,020,984San Joaquin$3,314,729
Alpine$ 201,000Marin$594,043San Luis Obispo$1,195,288
Amador $360,001Mariposa$201,000San Mateo$1,324,676
Berkeley$201,000Mendocino$215,694Santa Barbara$1,542,144
Butte$370,678Merced$716,172Santa Clara$4,173,543
Calaveras$201,000Modoc$201,000Santa Cruz$1,157,998
Contra Costa$1,770,328Monterey$2,407,549Sierra$201,000
Del Norte$201,000Napa$201,000Siskiyou$338,604
El Dorado$201,000Nevada$305,256Solano$895,170
Kings$447,843San Benito$201,000Tuolumne$225,024
Lake$319,488San Bernadino$4,485,961Ventura$1,928,007
Lassen$201,000San Diego$5,176,966Yolo$460,638
Long Beach$1,294,135San Francisco$2,678,423Yuba$201,000
Los Angeles$26,303,015    
  CLPPB Total Local Assistance Budget:$101,940,519.84