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Early Warning and Prevention: 1-Bromopropane (1-BP)

1-Bromopropane (1-BP, n-propyl bromide, or nPB) is a solvent used in degreasing and spray adhesives that can cause serious health damage. We have known for some time that 1-BP harms the reproductive and nervous systems. There is now evidence from several national and international authoritative sources that it also causes cancer. Effective August 5, 2016, the State of California added 1-BP to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65 (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986).

Based on new health effects information, HESIS selected 1-BP as the first chemical for early warning and prevention activities under our SB 193 early warning authority. HESIS developed and distributed a Health Hazard Alert on 1-Bromopropane to California businesses that purchased 1-BP, inviting them to work with us to improve protection for workers who may be exposed to this chemical.

1-Bromopropane Health Hazard Alert (PDF) - health effects, products that contain 1-BP, safety tips

1-BP Background Summary (PDF) - chemical properties, health effects, occupational use and exposure limits

1-BP Rationale Summary (PDF) - how 1-BP meets the legal criteria that allows HESIS to receive California customer lists from manufacturers and suppliers

Chemical Hazard Tracking: Early Warning and Prevention web page


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