Chemical Hazard Tracking for Early Warning and Prevention
HESIS tracks workplace chemical hazards so we can alert workers, employers, and health and safety professionals when new hazard information becomes available. We partner with these groups to exchange best practices to prevent harmful workplace exposures.
HESIS has legal authority to obtain California customer information from chemical manufacturers and suppliers, to enable us to provide early warning about emerging chemical hazards to California workplaces where these toxic substances are used (Senate Bill 193 of 2014, Labor Code Section 147.2).
activities under the new law:
Through review of scientific literature, government reports, industry studies, and case reports, HESIS identifies a chemical (or chemicals) of concern.
HESIS reviews a chemical's toxicity and confirms that the legal criteria for exercising this authority have been met.
HESIS contacts chemical manufacturers and suppliers to request their California customer lists for products containing the identified chemical.
- HESIS reaches out to businesses on the California customer lists to provide hazard information and invite them to work with us to develop training materials or other resources to protect worker health.
HESIS activities on specific chemicals
1-Bromopropane (1-BP, n-Propyl Bromide)
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