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healthcare-associated infections (HAI) program

HAI Specific Legislation, Regulations and All Facility Letters for the Establishment of the HAI Program

California Health and Safety Code 1288.45-1288.9

               Article 3, Basic Services = Section 70261 Pharmacy, Section 70271 Dietary
               Article 7, Administration = Section 70723 Employee Examinations, Section 70737 Reporting, Section 70739 Infection Control
               Article 8, Physical Plant = Section 70825 Laundry Service, Section 70827 Housekeeping Service, Section 70831 Central Service,          
                                                                    Section 70833 Autoclave and Sterilizers, Section 70843 Storage and Disposal Solid Waste
Chapter 7.1: Specialty ClinicsArticle 6, Hemodialyzer Reuse

AFL 2021

AFL 21-18: GACH Reporting Requirements of Specified Health-Associated Infections - (This AFL supersedes AFLs 07-37, 08-10, and 13-03)

AFL 2019

AFL 19-22: Enhanced Standard Precautions for Skilled Nursing Facilities, 2019 (PDF)

AFL 2015

AFL 2014

AFL 2013

AFLs 2012

AFL 12-38 Medi-Cal Provider-Preventable Conditions Reporting (CMS Reporting)

AFLs 2011

AFL 11-32: Surgical Site Infection - (see AFL 12-15)

AFL 11-23: Surgical Site Infection Reporting 

AFL 11-01: Patient Safety Licensing Survey

AFLs 2010

AFL 10-29: Regulatory Requirements for Compliance with Senate Bill 739: Mandatory Reporting of Influenza Vaccination/Declination of Hospital Personnel, 2010-2011 Influenza Season

AFL 10-27: Enhanced Standards Precautions for Long-Term Care Facilities -(Superseded - see AFL 19-22)

AFL 10-10: Patient Safety Licensing Survey

AFLs 2009

AFL 09-07: Senate Bill 1058 and Senate Bill 1258--Medical Facility Infection Control and Prevention Act

AFLs 2008

AFL 08-17: New Regulatory Requirements for Compliance with Senate Bill 739 -- Reporting of Influenza Vaccination/Declination of Employees and Healthcare Personnel

AFL 08-11 Multi-dose Medication and Reuse of Syringes: A Patient Safety Threat in Your Facility

AFL 08-10: New Regulatory Requirements for Compliance with Senate Bill 739 --Joining CDPH Group, CLIP Reporting

AFLs 2007

AFL 07-37: Mandated Use of the National Health and Safety Network to Comply with Senate Bill 739 on the Reporting of Hospital Acquired Infections Process Measures 

AFL 07-06: Compliance with Senate Bill 739 on Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) 

Legislation Archives

SB 1311 - Hospitals: antimicrobial stewardship
SB 158 (PDF) - chapter 294

SB 1058 - chapter 296

SB 739 (PDF) - chapter 526 

Page Last Updated : December 4, 2021