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Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) program

Healthcare-Associated Infections Advisory Committee

The Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Advisory Committee was created by legislative mandate to make recommendations to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on issues related to HAI surveillance, reporting, and prevention in California general acute care hospitals (Health and Safety Code 1288.5).

The HAI Advisory Committee is comprised of voting members with HAI expertise or interest and non-voting liaison members who represent California HAI stakeholder organizations. The voting member categories are health care consumers, health care providers, hospital administrators, infection preventionists, integrated health care systems experts or representatives, local health department officials, and physicians with expertise in infectious disease or hospital epidemiology. For additional information see member recruitment webpage, current membersHAI Advisory Bylaws (PDF) and Californiaā€™s Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act (PDF)  requirements. 

HAI Advisory Committee Meetings

Thursday, September 12, 2024

via Zoom (link in the agenda below) 

For questions about upcoming meetings, please e-mail

HAI Advisory Committee Meetings

The HAI Advisory Committee meets quarterly. Posted below are agendas and summary notes for all meetings that occurred in the past 365 days. To request information from prior meetings, please contact

Subcommittee Meetings

Antibiotic Stewardship/Antibiotic Resistance Subcommittee

Public Reporting Subcommittee

HAI Prevention Subcommittee - on hiatus until June 2024

The HAI Advisory Committee creates and charges subcommittees to review and deliberate on specific issues and topics that cannot be completely or thoroughly addressed at full Committee meetings. Each active subcommittee presents a progress update at quarterly Committee meetings, and may propose items to be considered by the full Committee for formal recommendation to CDPH.ā€‹

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