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sexually transmitted diseases control branch


Sexual Health Awareness Campaigns

Use the images and suggested messaging below to help educate Californians about the importance of maintaining a sexual health routine. Feel free to share via social media platforms, websites, patient portals, emails, and other ways to reach your audiences.

  • CDPH Material Co-brand Disclaimer: 

    Local health jurisdictions (LHJs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) may co-brand materials created by CDPH by adding their agency logo next to or near the CDPH logo. Be sure there is ample space between the two logos. Materials may not be altered or edited in any other way, including removal or adjustment of the CDPH logo. 

For technical assistance or questions about the campaigns featured on this page, please email the STDCB Health Promotion and Communications Unit at

STI Testing & Treatment Campaigns


You don't need to feel something to have something.

Suggested messaging: Ask your health care provider which sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests are right for you.


Make testing part of your sexual health routine.

Suggested messaging: Ask your health care provider which STI tests are for you.


Most people with any STI don't know they have one.

Suggested messaging: Ask your health care provider to test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) regularly.


The most common STI symptom is no symptom at all.

Suggested messaging: The only way to know if you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to test.

Sexual Health Vaccine Campaigns


Sexual health vaccines are a great way to prevent infection.

Suggested messaging: Ask your health care provider if hepatitis, HPV or mpox vaccination is for you.

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STI Testing & Sexual Health Vaccine Campaigns

Health care provider

You know what's really steamy?

Suggested messaging: Getting vaccinated and tested for sexually transmitted infections on the regular. Vaccines and testing are totally safe, effective and available for free.

Health care provider

You know what's sweet and savory?

Suggested messaging: Getting vaccinated and tested. Vaccines and testing are safe, effective, and available for free.

Health care provider

Develop your own sexual health care routine!

Suggested messaging: Especially one that includes regular STI testing and keeping up with vaccinations.

Health care provider

Protect yourself and your community from STIs by getting vaccinated & tested.

Suggested messaging: Find free STI testing & vaccinations.

Couple in bed

Take charge of your sexual health.

Suggested messaging: Ask your health care provider about testing and vaccinations that are right for you.

Spanish Campaign Materials


No necesitas sentir algo para tener algo.

Suggested messaging: PregĆŗntele a su proveedor de atenciĆ³n mĆ©dica cuĆ”les son las pruebas de enfermedades de transmisiĆ³n sexual (ETS) adecuadas para usted.


Las vacunas para la salud sexual son excelentes formas de prevenir infecciones.

Suggested messaging: PregĆŗntele a su proveedor de atenciĆ³n mĆ©dica si la vacuna contra la hepatitis, el VPH o la mpox es adecuada para usted.


La ETS mĆ”s comĆŗn no presenta ningĆŗn sĆ­ntoma.

Suggested messaging: La Ćŗnica forma de saber si tienes una enfermedad de transmisiĆ³n sexual (ETS) es haciĆ©ndote una prueba.

Customizable Campaign Materials

Instructions for using the PowerPoint templates:
To insert logos and images, click on the appropriate black box. Select the logo or photo file from your computer. 

To save a file you can use for ads, select File > Export then select File Format: PNG. Set the width and height to the dimensions in the file name, then click Export.


The most common symptom is no symptom at all.

Suggested messaging: Make STI testing part of your sexual health routine.

Sexual Health Observance Calendar

Use this calendar to help plan for sexual health promotion throughout the year.

Sexual Health Observance
Observance Dates
National Condom Week
Week of February 14th each year
STI Awareness Week
Second or third week of April
Hepatitis Awareness Month
Sex Ed for All Month
World Hepatitis Day
July 28th
Sexual Health Month

Examples of CDPH social media posts that you can share:

Page Last Updated : February 26, 2024