California Tobacco Control Branch

California Tobacco Control Branch

California Tobacco Control Program

CDOH CTCP Homepage Banner 

ā€‹The California Tobacco Control Branch leads statewide and local health programs, services and activities that promote an environment truly free of tobacco. ā€‹

Funding Opportunity Alerts:

CG 24-10417 Statewide Messaging and Communications to End Californiaā€™s Tobacco Epidemicā€‹ā€‹

The purpose of this Solicitation is for California Department of Public Health, California Tobacco Prevention Program (CDPH/CTPP) to solicit proposals and fund (1) public or nonprofit agency Statewide Technical Assistance Provider (Statewide Provider). The contractor will provide specialized support on developing and disseminating new and existing messaging and communications from approved statewide campaigns, including the End Commercial Tobacco Campaign, and local policy initiatives. The purpose is to improve the awareness and delivery of local tobacco use prevention programs to priority populations and to provide statewide and regional communication and messaging technical assistance services to support local implementation of tobacco use prevention programs. This project will empower CDPH/CTPP-funded projects, as well as other state and local community partners to advance their work to end the tobacco epidemic in California. This statewide project will provide capacity building direct education, technical assistance, and training to develop responsive messaging and communications to build public support around tobacco prevention efforts at the local level.

CG 24-10095 Ending Californiaā€™s Tobacco Epidemic in Every Communityā€‹ā€‹

This Request for Application (RFA) seeks to fund up to 43 local projects to accelerate momentum toward ending Californiaā€™s tobacco epidemic through policy, system, and environmental change strategies by increasing community engagement within populations that have been disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry. ā€œPriority populationsā€ include the following population groups:  African American/Black; Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander; Latino; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+); and rural residents. ā€‹

EVAL 24-10067 California Tobacco Prevention Program Policy Evaluation Tracking Systemā€‹

The purpose of this Solicitation is to request competitive proposals from eligible experienced agencies to identify, track, collect, and grade the quality of codified city and county tobacco prevention policies across all California jurisdictions on an ongoing basis. The selected Contractor will maintain this information in the Policy Evaluation Tracking System (PETS), including details of policy provisions, jurisdictions, dates of passage, and policy scores. ā€‹

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